U must be lvl 92-120 because ther lvl 200 also keep in mind to have dragon armor and a anti dragon shield
You can be any level, but you should at least be 80 depending on your stats. Or you can range/mage/halberd them (which is possible). Halberd IS NOTrecommended due to the fact you cannot wield an anti-dragon shield with it.
If you chose to fight a dragon with melee, 80 is the lowest, but you should have a high ATT and DEF (at least 70 def and 60 att) and a must of 43 prayer+
A high constitution could help and summoning could help (ex. void spinner for healing) and a lot of food and prayer pots.
If you are talking about the bit the leads into the Dragons area, you will need a dusty Key, one of these can be obtained by going to the Room Full of Black Knights then On the East side of this room is a Jail Cell. To enter you must kill the guard outside, take the key he drops and use it with the door. Once inside you can talk to the Explorer who is locked inside and get the Dusty Key.
Most librarys have firewalls though, sometimes you might just slip past it. One of my relatives kept getting on Runescape repeatedly then he got banned from it so i wouldn't suggest going on runescape in a computer.
You can fish it somewhere Don't know where but try going to a fishing guide.
You're going to need armour and high combat stats. You're not going to kill a frost dragon with a bronze dagger and your rubbish bin lid at level 3. Sara Brews are recommended and a decent weapon like a Barrows weapon or even a Godsword. An Abyssal Whip is not recommended but it can be categorised as a decent weapon depending on the enemy. I'm not an expert at frost dragons because I buy the frost bones, I don't kill them for it.
there is a website that I go to for all my quests and it's called runehq.com and I would recommend going there to find out
1. You have to be a member but if you are then you can find them East of clan wars (look on rs map if u dont kno where that is) or there is a little tunnel somewhere in the wildy that has them. If you are going to the tunnel take a rope. It is a ! point on the rs map it is like level 10 wilderness
Just wear anything colorful if you are going to the Imagine Dragons concert with your boyfriend.
flight of dragons?
You can make a RuneScape account by going to the home page.
No, no one is going to give you a runescape account.
Yes there is going to be in a year or so, there calling it Runescape 2: secret of the runes. Look on gamespy for the details.
Something fancy, but not too fancy.
If you are talking about the bit the leads into the Dragons area, you will need a dusty Key, one of these can be obtained by going to the Room Full of Black Knights then On the East side of this room is a Jail Cell. To enter you must kill the guard outside, take the key he drops and use it with the door. Once inside you can talk to the Explorer who is locked inside and get the Dusty Key.
This can be done by going to your favourite worlds in the menu where you can switch worlds. Click on the '' heart -'' left of the world that is your favourite. This should do it :)
Party hats are rares in runescape and are discarded items. The only way you can get them is by going to the Grand Exchange
There aren't that many monsters to attack at your level, but you should try the Black Knights' Fortress which is just North of the Dwarves on the map. Also you could try going to the Fist of Guthix or the Duel Arena near Al Kharid.
No, it seems very unlikely that this will happen, RuneScape still has many many players still playing it.