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If you are talking about the bit the leads into the Dragons area, you will need a dusty Key, one of these can be obtained by going to the Room Full of Black Knights then On the East side of this room is a Jail Cell. To enter you must kill the guard outside, take the key he drops and use it with the door. Once inside you can talk to the Explorer who is locked inside and get the Dusty Key.

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Q: How do you get into taverly dungeon in runescape?
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Where is the taverley dungeon on runescape?

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Snape grass can be dropped by chaos druids in taverly dungeon.

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Baby blue dragons are located in Taverly dungeon, there is about 5 baby dragon's located there, along with three level 111 blue dragons.

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Chaos Druids at Taverly dungeon, just past the bat bit.

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If you have 70 agility use the crack, or use a special key to get in.

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Anywhere that's multi-combat with Demons or Dragons, you could try Taverly dungeon.

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It's directly south of Taverly home teleport.

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Killing druids in taverly dungeon is probably the best place to get any herbs, they drop more that most monsters do.

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