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um ok so for me i was...... 39 or 38? any way you should be at least 40(38-41) if your not those level then good luck!! cause the first boss you kill is a rank 5 or 6? storm. (use kraken!!) besides around the 40's level is great if your like 32 then do side quest but.... the side quests are a bit hard.

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Q: What level should you be before you go to mooshu in wizard101?
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You don't have to be a certain level you just have to beat marleybone by defeating meowarity. But i would prefer being level 39 or 40. In wizard 101 I am level 56 school of fire. My name is Samuel Dayflame.

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You get in Dragonspire when you have the Jade Oni Quest and after you fight him you talk to someone in Mooshu. If you have more questions My name on Wizard101 is Luke Pixiestone.I am lvl 34 in Mooshu. I will be around Tatakai Outpost then Crismon Fields.

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i do i get lever 10 to 20 easy and fast in wizard101

What level do you need to be to get to marleybone in wizard101?

level 28

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you must be a level 50+

What level do you get the spell darkwind in wizard101?

Level 33.

What is the highest level on wizard101?

The highest level Is 80.

What level you ra at in wizard101?


What level do you get wild bolt in wizard101?

In wizard101 i have a level 50 storm, and my wild bolt always works if I press the tab button on my key board and hold it down. But you have to press it the exact time you start drawing the storm symbol with your wand. Also, there is a way to tell if your spell will work or not. If you see a huge flash of light right before you start drawing the storm symbol your spell will work.

How do you pass the level up battle for level 7?

If you want to Level up in Wizard101, you can achieve that by doing quests and fighting monsters. From what I know, you can at least level up to Level 10 without using Crowns on Wizard101. And there should be plenty of quests from Suzie Gryphonbane in Triton Avenue, also Side Quests can help you!