It evolves at Level 20. But you can keep it unevolved to get some attacks, most importantly Earthquake earlier, but that would mean keeping it unevolved until level 33.
Wooper will evolve at Level 20.
Wooper is classified as a Water Fish Pokemon. At level 20, Wooper evolves into Quagsire. Some moves Wooper can learn include bulldoze, and earthquake.
Wooper is the Pokémon that will evolve into Quagsire and it will evolve into Quagsire starting at Level 20.
sentret evolves at level 20 in Pokemon heartgold
level 31
Wooper will evolve at Level 20.
Wooper will evolve at level 32.
In Pokemon Diamond & Pearl, Wooper evolves into Quagsire at level 20.
it evolves at level 30
wooper evolves at level 20 into quagsire..veronica
It evolves into Quagsireat level 20
Wooper is classified as a Water Fish Pokemon. At level 20, Wooper evolves into Quagsire. Some moves Wooper can learn include bulldoze, and earthquake.
Lvl 20. It evolves into Quagsire.
Wooper is the Pokémon that will evolve into Quagsire and it will evolve into Quagsire starting at Level 20.
sentret evolves at level 20 in Pokemon heartgold
Ampharos does not evolve in Pokémon HeartGold.