It does not learn it by leveling up. For Totodile to know Ice Punch in HeartGold, one of its parents used to produce its egg must be Abomasnow.
At Level 76
Level 56.
not, you will need to use tm80, rock slide, on onix.
it will learn it at level 36
at level 1 but u need to go to the fat move tutor with heart scale. it wont work for me :(
It learns Water Gun at level 13.
todidile evolves at level 18... and croconaw evolves into feraligatr at level 30
At Level 76
at level 35
Level 56.
yes he does
Yes in level 44.
i think around level 60.
Blaziken learns Sky Uppercut at level 59.
Staraptor learns brave bird at level 49.
You must use a Heart Scale at the Move Relearner's house for it to learn Anceint Power, its a starting level move.
The Move Tutor teaches it to Pillowswine at any level, in exchange for a Heart Scale.