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Q: What level does sudowoodo learn faint attack?
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What level will umbreon learn faint attack?

In pokemon colosseum, at lv.36

What level does sudowoodo learn block?

Level 33.

What moves those vibrava learn in Pokemon emerald?

Level 1- Bite, Sand-Attack, Faint Attack, Level 9- Sand-Attack Level 17- Faint Attack Level 25- Sand Tomb Level 33- Crunch Level 35- Dragon Breath Level 41- Screech Level 49- Sandstorm Level 57- Hyper Beam

What level does sudowoodo learn block at in soul silver?

Level 22

Where the faint attack TM in Pokemon Platinum?

The Faint Attack TM cannot be found in Pokémon Platinum because Faint Attack is not a TM in Pokémon Platinum, Faint Attack is a level-up and an Egg Move. The Pokémon that can learn Faint Attack via level-up would be Meowth, Magby, Bonsly, Umbreon, Murkrow, Gligar, Sneasel, Teddiursa, Houndour, Nuzleaf, Slakoth, Skitty, Mawile, Sableye, Trapinch, Spinda, Cacnea, Kecleon, Glameow, Shuppet, Glameow, Bronzor, Spiritomb, Croagunk, Carnivine and Darkrai.

What level does Absol learn either crunch or faint attack in Pokemon Ruby?

In Pokemon Ruby, Absol learns Crunch at level 41 and Faint Attack at level 45. Crunch is a Dark-type move with 80 base power and a 20% chance to lower the target's Defense stat. Faint Attack is also a Dark-type move with 60 base power and never misses its target. Absol is a powerful Dark-type Pokemon known for its high Attack stat and Speed, making it a formidable opponent in battles.

What moves does slakoth learn?

Level 0- Scratch Level 0- Yawn Level 7- Encore Level 13- Encore Level 19- Faint Attack Level 25- Amnesia Level 31- Covet Level 37- Counter Level 43- Flail

What attacks does Weavile learn at which levels?

It is possible for Weavile to learn the following moves at the corresponding levels: Level 8 - Quick Attack Level 10 - Screech Level 14 - Faint Attack Level 21 - Fury Swipes Level 24 - Nasty Plot Level 28 - Icy Wind Level 35 - Night Slash Level 38 - Fling Level 42 - Metal Claw Level 49 - Dark Pulse Weavile can also learn a number of moves available through using a TM or HM.

What level does sudowoodo learn wood hammer and hammer arm?

Sudowoodo learns Hammer Arm at level 47 and Wood Hammer can be learned by going to the Move Reminder. This applies for Generation VI games and may not work in older generations.

When level Pigeot learn sky attack?

Pigeot does not learn sky attack at all.

What level does gliscor learn sky attack?

Gliscor can't learn sky attack

How do you get the wiggling tree out of the way in Pokemon emerald?

water it with the wailmer pail. it will attack as a sudowoodo. i think it is either level 20 or 40.