If you mean Horsea evolves into Seadra its at level 32, but if Kingdra is what you are looking for you need to trade seadra while holding dragon scale.
so sorry but seadra only evolves when its traded while holding a dragon scale, a nearly impossible item to get, it is very rarely held by wild horsea, seadra dratini and dragonair
Horsea evolves into Seadra starting at level 32, and then Seadra evolves into Kingdra if it is traded while holding a Dragon Scale.
It only evolves If you trade it with a dragon scale
Horsea evolves into Seadra, starting at level 32. Seadra, then, can evolve into Kingdra, while holding a Dragon Scale and traded.
at level 32 and seadra evolves trading using a dragon scale.
yes you can
Seadra evolves into Kingdra at level 45.
Question: How to evolve Seadra in Light Platinum? Normally you need a Seadra (Holding a Dragon Scale) to trade. After the trade Seadra will evolve. In the Game Pokemon Light Platinum i recommend to catch a Carvanha, (Manfarny Lake) and trade it with the Sailor in Seanport City. After you trade your Carvanha, Seadra will evolve to Kingdra. Ps: My Carvanha was lvl 34 and he traded a Seadra lvl 34 too. You have to train your Kingdra 10 levels. (I recommend in the Darkdusk Woods.) Gamehelper X
Seadra can never level up to evolve. You have to trade it when it is holding a Dragon Scale item. - Pokemon Guru
so sorry but seadra only evolves when its traded while holding a dragon scale, a nearly impossible item to get, it is very rarely held by wild horsea, seadra dratini and dragonair
Horsea evolves into Seadra at Level 32 in Pok
Seadra will only evolve during a trade while it holds dragon scale.
Train it to level 32.
Horsea evolves into Seadra at level 32.
If you want to evolve seadra to kingdra you must level it to 38 or higher then you will be sure that when you trade it it will evolve
It evolves at level 32.
Horsea evolves into Seadra at level 32. Seadra evolves into Kingdra when it is holding a dragon scale and traded. You can find dragon scales as a held item of wild Bagon in the cave behind the waterfall in RSE.