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Q: What level does ryperior learn horn drill at?
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When does nidoking learn horn drill Pokemon crystal?

Unfortunately, Nidoking doesn't learn Horn Drill at all. In order to have your Nidoking learn Horn Drill, you'll need to level up your Nidorino to level 46 (you learn Horn Drill at that level) and then evolve it into a Nidoking.

What level does nidorino learn horn drill?

Nidorino Learns Horn Drill at level Level 53 but that is only in firered/leafgreen have you got a specific game?

What level does Nidoking learn horndrill?

Nidoking doesn't learn Horn Drill by level. Its previous evolution, Nidorino, does, which learns it at level 46. You'll have to level up a Nidorino until it learns Horn Drill, then evolve it to Nidoking.

Does Nidoking learn Horn Drill in Pokemon FireRed?

No, you need to have your Nidorino learn it at level 53. that's why i saved my moonstone until level 53 and then made him a NidoKing.

What moves does nidorino learn in yellow version?

In Pokémon Yellow, the moves that Nidorino would be able to learn via level-up would be Poison Sting, Focus Energy, Fury Attack and Horn Drill. Nidorino will learn Poison Sting at Level 19, Focus Energy at Level 27, Fury Attack at Level 36 and its last level-up move, Horn Drill will be learned at Level 46.

Does aggron learn horn drill in Pokemon emerald?

yES! Aggron does learn horn drill. Get it At the move tutor at fallarbor town (you give hi a heart scale in exchange)

How can you make horn drill hit?

to make horn drill hit, the opponent pokemon's level has to be lower than urs

In Pokemon Leaf Green does Nidoking learn Horn Drill?

Look bub, i think you might teach it a TM i don't know, or it just might learn it by a level.

What level should nidorino evolve at in leaf green?

If you want it to learn Thrash and Megahorn, you must do it before level 22. But then it wont learn Horn Attack(lvl 22), Helping hand(lvl 26), Fury attack(lvl 34), flatter(lvl 43) or Horn drill(lvl 53). If you dont need Thrash but want the move Megahorn you have to evolve it before level 43. Then the only moves it will miss is Flatter and Horn Drill.

Will nidorino still learn horn drill?

It should, my Nidoking still has it.

What level does rhydon learn horn drill in platinum?

it lernz dril pek at level your butt smells i don't know actually i was searching how you get a rypherior maybe at lvl54? i have a rydon that is that lvl and knows drill peck. BTW im not the guy that answered ur question 1st.

What level does samurrot learn horn attack in Pokemon white?

Samurott dosen't learn horn attack