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No, you need to have your Nidorino learn it at level 53. that's why i saved my moonstone until level 53 and then made him a NidoKing.

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Q: Does Nidoking learn Horn Drill in Pokemon FireRed?
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When does nidoking learn horn drill Pokemon crystal?

Unfortunately, Nidoking doesn't learn Horn Drill at all. In order to have your Nidoking learn Horn Drill, you'll need to level up your Nidorino to level 46 (you learn Horn Drill at that level) and then evolve it into a Nidoking.

When does seaking learn horn drill in Pokemon emerald?

I dont think he can but I know that NidoKing can besides NidoKing is better than Seaking on anyday!!!

What levels does nidoking learn moves in Pokemon firered?

It learns Thrash at level 22 and Megahorn at level 43.

Pokemon fire red what moves does nidoking learn?

Lots. Earthquake, horn drill, mega kick etc...

What level does Nidoking learn horndrill?

Nidoking doesn't learn Horn Drill by level. Its previous evolution, Nidorino, does, which learns it at level 46. You'll have to level up a Nidorino until it learns Horn Drill, then evolve it to Nidoking.

What Pokemon learns earthaquake in FireRed?

All ground types can learn that like Golem, Nidoking, Nidoqueen. Other Pokemon that can learn it are: Aerodactyl, Mewtwo, Mew, Tauros, Machamp and many more.

In Pokemon Leaf Green does Nidoking learn Horn Drill?

Look bub, i think you might teach it a TM i don't know, or it just might learn it by a level.

Will nidorino still learn horn drill?

It should, my Nidoking still has it.

Would a nidoking learn surf in Pokemon?

Yes, Nidoking is capable of learning Surf (HM03).

Can Nidoking learn Mega Horn in Pokemon Crystal?


Is there any one hit KO's in Pokemon?

nidoking or queen can learn horn drill in Pokemon red and kyogre learns sheer cold once you catch him and groudon learns fissure once you catch him

When does nidoking learn horn attack?

Nidoking cannot learn Earthquake by itself from just leveling. It can however learn the move Earthquake from the TM 26.