At level 15, it becomes Kirlia.
At level 30, it becomes Gardevoir,
or use a Dawn Stone on a male Kirlia it becomes Gallade.
at level 20
Ralts evolves into Kirlia at level 20. If you are looking to evolve it into a Gallade use a Dawn Stone on a male Kirlia and if you want a Gardevoir just level it up to level 30 is what one of my friends told me.
Ralts evolves at level 20
You must first evolve Ralts into Kirlia and then you must use a Dawn Stone to make it evolve into Gallade.
At Level 20 it evolves into Kirlia, then at Level 30 it evolves into Gardevoir. OR, if you have Diamond, Pearl or Platinum, you can use a Dawn Stone on a male Kirlia to evolve it into Gallade.
at level 20
Lv. 20
at level 20 Ralts can evolve into a Kirlia
first find a ralts then at level 20 it will evolve and then at level 30 it will evolve to gardivoir
at lv 20 that is when ralts evolves
Ralts evolves into Kirlia at level 20. If you are looking to evolve it into a Gallade use a Dawn Stone on a male Kirlia and if you want a Gardevoir just level it up to level 30 is what one of my friends told me.
Ralts evolves at level 20
You must first evolve Ralts into Kirlia and then you must use a Dawn Stone to make it evolve into Gallade.
Route 212 north ORGet a ralts on route 208-209 and evolve it at level 20
In Pokémon SoulSilver, you cannot find Kirlia however you could catch a Ralts in Route 34 and evolve int into Kirlia at Level 20.
Ralts evolves into a Kirlia at level 20.
At Level 20 it evolves into Kirlia, then at Level 30 it evolves into Gardevoir. OR, if you have Diamond, Pearl or Platinum, you can use a Dawn Stone on a male Kirlia to evolve it into Gallade.