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at level 20

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Q: What level does ralts evolve at in Pokemon platinum?
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What level does ralts evolve on pokemon platinum?

Lv. 20

When does ralts evolve in Pokemon Platinum?

at lv 20 that is when ralts evolves

What is the 3rd evolution of Ralts in Platinum?

at level 20 Ralts can evolve into a Kirlia

What level does ralts evolve into kirlia in Pokemon platinum?

Ralts evolves into Kirlia at level 20. If you are looking to evolve it into a Gallade use a Dawn Stone on a male Kirlia and if you want a Gardevoir just level it up to level 30 is what one of my friends told me.

Where do you find Kirlia in Pokemon Platinum?

In Pokémon SoulSilver, you cannot find Kirlia however you could catch a Ralts in Route 34 and evolve int into Kirlia at Level 20.

When does Ralts evolve in Pokemon Sapphire?

Ralts evolves into Kirlia at level 20.

What level does ralts evolve Pokemon?

It evolves at level 18.

What level does ralts evolve on Pokemon pearl?

Level 20.

What level does ralts evolve at on Pokemon Ruby?

level 20

What level does ralts evolve Pokemon pearl?

Level 20

Where to find gardivour in platinum?

first find a ralts then at level 20 it will evolve and then at level 30 it will evolve to gardivoir

How do you evolve ralts on pokemon emerald?

Ralts will evolve at level 20 into Kirlia. From there it will change into a Gardevoir at level 30. However, in Emerald version you can not evolve Kirlia into Gallade