in Pokemon fire red if you give charzard a red scale and trade it, it will evolve into charflame
it is sick
no other answer can tell you this!
when you beat red you go to the pallet town and oak gives you a squritle,bulbasaur or a charmander and you evolve it into a charmeleon at lv18 and a charzard at lv36 sorry i spelt some wrong
It is suppose to evolve at the Level of 20,but if you want it to evolve later it can evolve anything after it is at Level 20.
It will evolve by level. Teddiursa will evolve into a Ursaring at level 30.
They evolve at level 36
Charizard does not evolve, but charmeleon evolves at level 36.
Mega charizard
you can not catch charzard in soul silver, but after you beat red, you can get charmander from pr. oak and evolve it in to charzard
nope. Charmander-->Charmelion-->Charzard
charmander evolves into him at lv. 36
get charmander as a starter and it will evolve into charizard eventually
to breed charzard you must go to the poke breeder with another charzard with the deferent sex
No i don't , but i have a dark charzard it is on level 100 it knows the strongest attacks in the world! Shiny charzard is so last Year, dark charzard is even stronger than a shiny one:) i have 1 but what would you give me
when you beat red you go to the pallet town and oak gives you a squritle,bulbasaur or a charmander and you evolve it into a charmeleon at lv18 and a charzard at lv36 sorry i spelt some wrong
Breeding Charizard Until you Get a Shiny Charmander Then Evolve it Until it Reaches Charizard
I was Playing with my Charzard because it is on lv 82. In lv 16 it envolves into Charmeleon.For a Charzard( if you wanna know), It's Lv 36.It can also be on Fire Red Besides Leaf Green.