when you beat red you go to the pallet town and oak gives you a squritle,bulbasaur or a charmander and you evolve it into a charmeleon at lv18 and a charzard at lv36 sorry i spelt some wrong
in Pokemon fire red if you give charzard a red scale and trade it, it will evolve into charflame it is sick no other answer can tell you this!
you cant the probability of getting a shiny charzard is 1 in 8291 or something like that just look for a game shark or action replay code
there is only a hoho, omynite, areodactly, and charzard
Yes, shinies (gold magikarp, black charzard, ect) are stronger then normal pokemon,dragonite can't stand a chance against charizard with blast burn and it can also learn rock types
you can not catch charzard in soul silver, but after you beat red, you can get charmander from pr. oak and evolve it in to charzard
I don't think that there is a charzard in pokemon ranger.
No i don't , but i have a dark charzard it is on level 100 it knows the strongest attacks in the world! Shiny charzard is so last Year, dark charzard is even stronger than a shiny one:) i have 1 but what would you give me
Charzard isn't a Pokémon so you can't get it in any Pokémon game.
You cannot get charzard in emerald, ruby or sapphire unless you trade from FireRed, LeafGreen, XD, or Colleseum
No Mega Charzard is stronger but some people say Mega Raquaza
I afraid you cannot, charzard is only useable in brawl as the Pokemon trainer.
to breed charzard you must go to the poke breeder with another charzard with the deferent sex
Mega charizard
in Pokemon fire red if you give charzard a red scale and trade it, it will evolve into charflame it is sick no other answer can tell you this!