Bell spout does evolved in to u catch chimchar and evolve it into charizard and get 999 master balls and then migrate it then migrate it back easy or use action replay code 5764904279479 bitch
You can find Haunter in SoulSilver in Route 8 at night. Additionally you can catch a Gastly at night in the Sprout Tower or the Bell Tower and then you can train it until Level 25 which is when it'll evolve into a Haunter.
No, you do not need a stone to evolve Riolu. To evolve Riolu, you have to make it happy in the daytime. The quickest way to do this, instead of battling with it like crazy, is to first give it a soothe bell. Then feed it poffins, give it those nutri drinks like zinc and carbos to its max. Then level Riolu up a level and he should evolve into Lucario. -Hope this helps! ;)
Golbat can evolve in any level. Golbat evolves into Crobat via happiness. Your Golbat must be happy enough until it will evolve. It can evolve from having fun with battles. I suggest you give it a Soothe Bell to make this proggress much quicker.
Level it up with max happiness. You can give it a soothe bell, and train it.
make it hold soothe bell until it reaches level 36
Bellsprout evolves into Weepinbell at level 21.
use a leaf stone dude.<-------Thats after you evolve bellsprout The level to evolve is about 20-30
Bellsprout evolves into Weepinbell at level 21, which evolves into Victreebel when a Leaf Stone is used on it.
how to evolve golbat 1:if you have it in a luxury ball it will take less time 2:have it hold a sooth bell 3:get its friendship to maximum 4:level up and it evolves
bell sprout
Happiness during the day. If you give it a soothe bell, give it vitamins, bring it to the massage house in Veilstone, then level it up, it should evolve. You don't have to do that, but it speeds up the process.
You can find Haunter in SoulSilver in Route 8 at night. Additionally you can catch a Gastly at night in the Sprout Tower or the Bell Tower and then you can train it until Level 25 which is when it'll evolve into a Haunter.
Pokemon evolve the same in every game as far as i know. To evolve Golbat he must be happy, and also must be holding a Soothe Bell. There is no level it has to be, so you could evolve it from level 1, or level 100.
weepin bell doesn't evolve at a certain level. you have to give it a leaf stone.
No, you do not need a stone to evolve Riolu. To evolve Riolu, you have to make it happy in the daytime. The quickest way to do this, instead of battling with it like crazy, is to first give it a soothe bell. Then feed it poffins, give it those nutri drinks like zinc and carbos to its max. Then level Riolu up a level and he should evolve into Lucario. -Hope this helps! ;)
Whenever it likes you enough, holding the soothe bell will only make it like you faster.
yes........ of course..................