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Q: What level does Dragonite learn hyper beam in Pokemon soulsilver?
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Where can you get hyper beam in Pokemon Crystal?

You can't get it in Pokemon Crystal. Though there are Pokemon who can learn it like Dragonite.

What moves does Dratini learn?

dratini can learn moves like wing attack the coolest attack he has is when he is a dragonite then it learns hyper beam in Pokemon heartgold/soulsilver, its possible to make dratini learn fly WITHOUT an action replay or hacking. just get a salamance that knows fly and a dragonite and breed them. if you are lucky, you will hatch a dratini that knows fly lol

What level does Dragonite learn outrage in heartgold or soulsilver?

Level 64.

In soulsilver what Pokemon can learn ultimate dragon move?

Any Dragon-type really. But it must be in it's final evolution. Ex. Dragonite Garchomp

Does Dragonite learn hiper beam naturally?

Yes, I think its at about level 60. then why is mine lvl 72 then with no hyper beam. DRAGONITE LEARNS HYPER BEAM AT LVL. 75!!

When does Dragonite learn outrage in Pokemon fire red?

dragonite learns it at level 61

Can all pokemons in Pokemon diamond learn the move hyper beab?

No, not all Pokemon in Diamond can learn Hyper Beam.

What level does Dragonite learn in fire-red?

DRAGONAIR evolves into DRAGONITE at Level 55 in Pokemon FireRed.

What Moves Does Dragonite Learn?

He evOlves into a dragonite at level 55 he doesnt learn much but here it is lvl55 wing attack lvl61 outrage lvl 75 hyper beam and plenty of TM moves that he learns

When does Dragonite learn Draco Meteor in Pokemon Soul Silver what level?

Dragonite can not learn Draco Meteor by leveling up. You teach it with a Move Tutor.

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Any Pokemon can learn it. that's the best patr

Pokemon mystery dungeon 2 explorers of time why cant my Charmander learn hyper beam?

Charmander must evolve into Charizard to learn Hyper Beam.