In Red and Blue, it learns Confusion at Level 12, two Levels after it evolves from Metapod. In every other game, it learns Confusion at Level 10, as soon as it evolves from Metapod.
Butterfree learns confusion at level 12.
If your Pokemon evolves later it could learn more attacks in its pre-evolved form that maybe could not learn if evolved (particularly true with Pokemon who evolve from stones) or it could skip some attacks that should learn in its evolved form. In this case, it is not important, because butterfree will learn Confusion at level 12.
Butterfree can't learn Aerial Ace by level up. It can, however, learn it by TM, which you can find on Route 9.
You have to use the TM to teach it Psychic.
Butterfree learns confusion at level 12.
If your Pokemon evolves later it could learn more attacks in its pre-evolved form that maybe could not learn if evolved (particularly true with Pokemon who evolve from stones) or it could skip some attacks that should learn in its evolved form. In this case, it is not important, because butterfree will learn Confusion at level 12.
level 47
Butterfree can't learn Aerial Ace by level up. It can, however, learn it by TM, which you can find on Route 9.
Butterfree learns Confusion as it's first move. Lv. 10. If you for some reason do not have the movie in a Butterfree of higher lv. simply either breed a new Caterpie or visit the move re-learner in his house on Island Two for him to teach it the move again (costs either 1 Big Mushroom or 2 TinyMushrooms).
You have to use the TM to teach it Psychic.
Kadabra learns confusion. *This occurs at LV16
The moves Butterfree learns in HeartGold are Confusion at Level 10, Poisonpowder, Stun Spore and Sleep Powder at Level 12, Gust at Level 16, Supersonic at Level 18, Whirlwind at Level 22, Psybeam at Level 24, Silver Wind at Level 28, Tailwind at Level 30, Safeguard at Level 34, Captivate at Level 36 and Bug Buzz at Level 40. For additional info, please see the Related Link.
No, Butterfree cannot learn Fly.
Level 10.
LEVEL 7,8,9