Battle Footballer, Soul Tiger and Renge - Gatekeeper of Dark World, all with 2100 DEF.
yes its name is dark blade
Defence Mode, or Defence Position, means that the card is placed Horizontally in the monster zone. It could also be Set (face down defence position) or face-up due to being Set and attacked, or switched while face-up from attack to defence.
Not quite. There is a 'Defence Paralysis' in the anime, but this was released as 'Defence Sealing'/'Stop Defence' when it was actually printed as a card, keeping the image but fundamentally changing the effect.
Assuming the defending monster is also in attack position, both monsters will be destroyed.
Five-Headed Dragon.
yes its name is dark blade
Defence Mode, or Defence Position, means that the card is placed Horizontally in the monster zone. It could also be Set (face down defence position) or face-up due to being Set and attacked, or switched while face-up from attack to defence.
Elemental hero neos is a normal monster so there for it is not a fusion and no cards combine to make it.
Sounds like Ordeal of a Traveler. The effect is applied when the opponent attacks (does not have to be against a defence mode monster, or even a monster at all). He must select a card from your hand and correctly guess if it is a monster, spell or trap, or his attacking monster is returned to hand.
yes. in the official Yu-Gi-Oh! rulebook, it states that you can only normal summon once per turn, but you can special summon as many times as you can per turn.
You do.
Double Summon allows you to have an extra Normal Summon. This Normal Summon is no different to your usual once-per turn Normal Summon. If you've got two monsters to tribute, then sure, you can tribute them for an 8-star monster.
After you activate "Heart of the Underdog", you draw a card from your deck like you normally would during your Draw Phase. If that monster you draw happens to be a Normal Monster, you can activate "Heart of the Underdog". You show the Normal Monster to your opponent as proof and draw another card from your deck. If that new card that you draw is a Normal Monster too, you can activate "Heart of the Underdog" again. You repeat the process until you don't draw another Normal Monster.
monster reborn
Not quite. There is a 'Defence Paralysis' in the anime, but this was released as 'Defence Sealing'/'Stop Defence' when it was actually printed as a card, keeping the image but fundamentally changing the effect.
Assuming the defending monster is also in attack position, both monsters will be destroyed.
magic trap and monster