the legendary pokemon you catch there is Azelf mostly.
this is the chances
Azelf: %10 of finding it
articuno: %0.001 IN SOME GAMES IT IS 0.00
Go to Lake Verity which is in Twinleaf Town.
Lake Valor, Lake Acuity, and Lake Verity
You can get them. Piplup will be in Lake Verity, Turtwig will be in Lake Valor, and Chimchar will be in Stark Mountain. Or, you can choose them as your first Pokemon. Or, you can trade them with a buddy. this is actually wrong, those are the legendary lake trio in the lakes, the only way you can get all 3 is A) trade, B) Cheats to get them or C) get cheat to catch other people's Pokemon and find the trainers with them
In the water of Lake Verity
After you catch the main legendary (dialga, palkia, giratina) go to lake verity and mesprit will be in the cave in the middle of the lake. Talk to it and then it will flee and appear on your map app.
azelf, uxie and mesprit :) you can find all three in lake valor, lake pastoria, and lake verity...i think lol :)
lake verity spear pillar lake aquity and the other lake hope this helps poke fans!
You can find Palkia at the spear pillar. The psychic pokemon Azelf, Uxie, and Mespirt can be found at Lake Acuity, Lake Valor, and Lake Verity. After you unlock the national Pokedex Heatran can be found on Stark Mountain.
the can get mesprit in lake verity,near twinleaf town , you can get azelf in lake valor which is in between pastoria and veilstone, you can get uxie in lake acuity near snowpoint city.
You can find it at Lake Verity or Lake Valor by using the Pokeradar.
In The Middle Of The Lake Like All The Lakes.
Legendary Pokemon # 481 Mespirit However it leaves the cavern as you talk to it and roams Sinnoh, so you would need to find it in the wild to catch it.
You will need to insert Pokemon Emerald then go to Route 221 or Lake Acuity/Verity (Lake Verity in Platinum only) to find it in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.
Go to Lake Acuity use surf till you get to the cave in the cave you will find Uxie Lake Valor you can find Azelf .At Lake Verity you meet Mesprit but you have to chase it around sinnoh on your marker map it will show were it is.You can only do this after you visit the spear pillar.
walk in the hole and after u catch dialga/palkia u can find a legendary Pokemon in all of the little islands in the middle of all the lakes acuicy verity and valor
at lake Verity.
lake verity is only in the sinnoh region. not kanto