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it depends on what game(s) you are playing.

red, blue,and yellow versions: articuno, moltres, zapdos, (yellow version only)mew

fire red, and leaf green versions: articuno, moltres, and zapdos

ruby, and saphire versions: regice, regirock, registeel, kyogre(saphire), and groudon(ruby)

emrald version: regice, regirock, registeel, posibly rayquaza

gold, silver, and crystal versions: *do not know*

diomond, pearl, and platinum versions: *do not know*

heartgold, soulsilver versions: entei, raiko, lugia(soulsilver), ho-oh(heartgold)

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Q: What legendary Pokemon can you get before elite four?
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What legendary Pokemon you are able to catch before the elite four on Pokemon sapphire?

Kyogre only.

What legendary Pokemon can you get before you beat the elite four on platinum?

Giratina, and the 3 lake pokemon.

How do you catch the legendary pokemon in pokemon black?

You have to defeat the elite four then you can catch the legendary

Where do you find the legendary Pokemon in Pokemon white?

At 'N's Castle after beating the Elite Four.

How do you get the four legendary Pokemon?

beat the elite 4 AND fly to resort area ---- ----

Pokemon White do you do the Pokemon league before getting the legendary Pokemon?

Yes in Pokemon White after you defeat the last member of the elite four you are forced to battle Zekrom. You battle Reshiram if you have Pokemon Black.

Where do you get the legendary white Pokemon on black?

You get Reshiram at N's castle after you defeat the elite four.

What do you do after you beat the elite four twice in black and white?

You just get legendary Pokemon I guess

Can you catch the legendary birds before defeating the elite four?

Yes you can

Pokemon diamond version cheets how do you beat elite four bertha?

You get a legendary pokemon, to level 100 (trade it).

How do you bring back a legendary Pokemon if you killed him?

If you did,just go to the pokemon league then beat the elite four and the champion

How do you regenerate legendary Pokemon in diamond?

You have to beat the elite four again it works in all games