In Pokemon Black you can actually get quite a bit of legendaries.
You can Get Reshiram, Kyuram, Giratina, and Arceus.
Also Kyogre and Groudon.
Of course you can 2nd answer: the only nonunova legendaries you can catch are heatran, latias (white 2), and latios (black 2). You need to make black kyurem (black 2) but white kyurem (white 2) can't be traded. However, if you don't have black kyurem, you can make white kyruem, but only if you've caught kyruem.
You don't need them for the storyline, you get them so your pokemon can hold them and raise their stats.
Try to not use legendaries, it will show that you can be strong without them!
sorry no you cant yes you can the first is in N's castle and the other in a cave
Zekrom can be found in "Pokémon Black" as a Pokémon that N uses but there is no way for Zekrom to be caught in "Pokémon Black."Zekrom cannot be caught in Pokemon Black and has to be either obtained from an event or traded from a copy of Pokemon White.
5 legionaries
in Lala land
I put a link to guide on all the legendary pokemon in Pokemon Black in the related links.
The legendaries on Pokemon black are Tornadus, Kyreum, Reshiram, Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion. I can help you find them, too!
get the black trainer card comeplete the national dex catch heatron, manaphy, deoxys, and all the other Pokemon, GET ARCEUS. arceus is the god Pokemon and is the strongest Pokemon in the game it is about 20% stronger then most of the legendaries :D
They are similar but they have different legendaries. *Source- Played Pokemon when I was little.
All except for Garitinia and all from Pokemon black and white.
No. Pokemon Black and White are the only current games with no legendaries not belonging to their region. It can be traded from other games, though.
well after that you have technically finished the game to you can do what you want. When I finished it I caught all the legendaries.
Ditto can breed with anything except legendaries.
The main Pokemon that are only found on black are the legendaries Reshiram and Tornelos, however, there are several others. 013WeedleBugPoison014KakunaBugPoison015BeedrillBugPoison198MurkrowDarkFlying228HoundourDarkFire229HoundoomDarkFire285ShroomishGrass286BreloomGrassFighting311PlusleElectric313VolbeatBug430HonchkrowDarkFlying546MonmenGrass547ErufuunGrass574GothimuPsychic575GochimiruPsychic576GothitellePsychic629BaruchaiDarkFlying630BarujiinaDarkFlying641TornelosFlying643ReshiramDragonFire