It all depends on it's nature,
with each nature comes a different taste in poffins.
You can find these natures and what they like in the Bulbapedia.
Go through the summary of your buneary and it will say what flavors of food it likes. Make the type of poffins based on that.
To evolve Buneary into Lopunny u need friend ship worked for me! =3 So try battiling with it not fainting or whatever and level it up and it will evolve 2nd Answer: Buneary evolves by happiness, For instance, if u have a togepi (u can get one from cynthia) You evolve the togepi by leveling it up, feeding it poffins, massaging it, and it will evolve to togetic. Same with Buneary. Hope this helps :D
Buneary's EvolutionBuneary evolves by Happiness. Catch a wild one with a Luxury Ball, feed it with its favorite Poffins, never let it faint, and let the girl in a south western house of Veilstone City and the women in the Ribbon Syndicate of Resort Area massage your Buneary to evolve it soon. All of the above is how to make your Pokemon love and trust you a lot.
Beneary evolves into Lopunny when it reaches a certain level of Happiness. To raise Happiness you have to make it fight a lot without fainting and give it his favorite poffins.
It depends on the lucarios personality.Go to the lucarios summary, then you go to the second tab.At the bottom it will tell you what poffins it likes
Go through the summary of your buneary and it will say what flavors of food it likes. Make the type of poffins based on that.
To evolve Buneary into Lopunny u need friend ship worked for me! =3 So try battiling with it not fainting or whatever and level it up and it will evolve 2nd Answer: Buneary evolves by happiness, For instance, if u have a togepi (u can get one from cynthia) You evolve the togepi by leveling it up, feeding it poffins, massaging it, and it will evolve to togetic. Same with Buneary. Hope this helps :D
Buneary's EvolutionBuneary evolves by Happiness. Catch a wild one with a Luxury Ball, feed it with its favorite Poffins, never let it faint, and let the girl in a south western house of Veilstone City and the women in the Ribbon Syndicate of Resort Area massage your Buneary to evolve it soon. All of the above is how to make your Pokemon love and trust you a lot.
Beneary evolves into Lopunny when it reaches a certain level of Happiness. To raise Happiness you have to make it fight a lot without fainting and give it his favorite poffins.
Staravia evolves into Staraptor at level 34. If yours is past that level make sure it's not holding an item that stops evolution. (Everstone). To evolve Buneary, you have to have a good friendship with it. Feed it poffins, walk around a lot with it first in your party, and try not to let it faint. If your Buneary is happy with you it will then evolve.
It depends on the lucarios personality.Go to the lucarios summary, then you go to the second tab.At the bottom it will tell you what poffins it likes
In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness, Buneary evolves into Lopunny. To evolve Buneary, you need to reach level 26. Once Buneary reaches level 26, it will automatically evolve into Lopunny.
you need a wiki berey
Buneary is called Buneary because the Pokemon is based on a Rabbit (called a Bunny as a nickname) and one of its traits is its long ears. Bun-Bunny+Eary-Ears=Buneary
If you mean buneary on diamond and pearl, I have 15 of them. buneary is a Pokemon only on Pokemon diamond and pearl
In order for Buneary to evolve into Lopunny is that Buneary's happiness has to be 220.