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Beneary evolves into Lopunny when it reaches a certain level of Happiness.

To raise Happiness you have to make it fight a lot without fainting and give it his favorite poffins.

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Q: How does Buneary evolve in Pokemon Pearl?
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In Pokemon pearl when does buneary evolve?

it evolves with friendship

How do you evolve a Buneary in Pokemon pearl for DS?


What level does buneary evolve at in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

Buneary evolves when its happiness value is at 220.

Who has buneary?

If you mean buneary on diamond and pearl, I have 15 of them. buneary is a Pokemon only on Pokemon diamond and pearl

How do you evolve buneary into lopunny in pokemon diamond?

In order for Buneary to evolve into Lopunny is that Buneary's happiness has to be 220.

On pokemon what does buneary evolve into?

Buneary evolves into Lopunny.

How do you evolve buneary in Pokemon pearl?

you can evolve buneary by having level up with its happiness value at 220 which means it loves you a easy way for that is to use the soothe bell from a lady in the Pokemon mansion which is on the route under heartthome city.

Where do you find buneary in Pokemon pearl?

Buneary can be found in the Eterna Forest on Pokemon Pearl. It is rather common and not hard to find.

How do you evolve buneary in pokemon explorers of darkness?

In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness, Buneary evolves into Lopunny. To evolve Buneary, you need to reach level 26. Once Buneary reaches level 26, it will automatically evolve into Lopunny.

How do you evolve buneary in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of sky?

You have to go to Luminous Springs to evolve any pokemon. Buneary requires a 2 star IQ to evolve

When will buneary evolve in Pokemon Pearl?

When he/she gets friendly enough by leveling it up. You can find out the friendship level by getting a poketch app in eterna city Pokemon center

How do you evolve buneary in heartgold?

Once traded from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum, you can evolve it with max happiness.