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You at least would need :

6GB RAM (8GB Would be so much better)

NVIDiA Graphics card ...

I Recommend Alienware laptops or Desktops

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Q: What kind of computer do you need to play games like skyrim or fallout smoothly?
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Is there any games like Skyrim?

Fallout 3 and Fallout new vegas

What good games are there other then CoD Halo Fallout and Skyrim?

Assassins Creed, fifastreet, fifa

Can you still play Skyrim after the main quest and side quests?

yes i would recommend other games such as oblivion and fallout 3

What is your best video game you ever played?

Definitely Fallout 3,Skyrim , or Oblivion. Free roam RPGs. NOT Call of Duty games.

How many fallout games are there?

There are currently six Fallout games. These include; Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, and Fallout Tactics. There are more Fallout games in development and set for release on the horizon, including but no limited to; Fallout Online and a Fallout iPhone game.

Is the pretender part 3 out?

No Of course, there are other games you, for example:Mass Effect 3 ,Fallout: New Vegas ,Fable: The Journey ,The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim ,Dragon Age II ,halloween games for kids,my little pony games....

What is the advantage of high specs video card?

-Makes whole computer faster -Play games more smoothly -Edit videos faster/more smoothly

Is there a PC game like DJ hero?

no Of course, there are other games you, for example:Mass Effect 3 ,Fallout: New Vegas ,Fable: The Journey ,The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim ,Dragon Age II ,halloween games for kids,my little pony games....

Are there any fallout flash games?

im sorry but their are currently no fallout games that are flash games

How many fallout are there?

There are currently six Fallout games. These include; Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, and Fallout Tactics. There are more Fallout games in development and set for release on the horizon, including but no limited to; Fallout Online and a Fallout iPhone game.

What are some new games from Bethesda Game Studios?

Bethesda Game Studios has been coming out with many new games. These games include The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, and Fallout 3.

Are skyrim and fallout made by the same companies?

Skyrim was developed by the same team that created Fallout 3 and Oblivion before that. The Fallout series was first developed by Interplay - they brought out Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics. Fallout 3 was developed by Bethesda, however, Fallout: New Vegas was developed by Obsidian Entertainment, and published by Bethesda.