You can not obtain mods for games on a console, so there is no such thing as an "xbox mod".
No you can't
As of yet only Resident Evil 5 is available for the XBox 360.
Magicka Sabers is a mod but I hear some person not naming who has developed a way to mod Skyrim on xbox 360 and is running tests on it so wait and you will be able to cya cuzz
It looks bad because its not PS3
There is no way to use your existing Xbox 360 controller on your PC. However, Microsoft have released a PC controller which is a Xbox controller.
Yes. Skyrim is also out for PS3 and PC.
As I recall, there is no prize offer to states if you pre-order Skyrim and get a free Xbox 360.
No, you cannot.
There are actually no codes for Skrim on the Xbox 360. The only codes for Skyrim are on the PC and they are called "Console Commands."
Nope. Skyrim is for also Microsoft Windows and PS3 as well.
Maybe as a download for Dragon's Lair 3d: Return to the Lair
Skyrim is available for purchase on the Xbox 360 (retailing at $60). Other than a physical copy, you can also purchase the game on Games on Demand in the Xbox Live Marketplace.
You can't mod the Xbox version, only the PC.
I do not think so, unfortunately.
PS3, Xbox 360, And the PC.
29.00 dollars
Skyrim is already out for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC! Go get it, I highly recommend it!