The cable for connecting to ur computer should come with the action replay. No cable is needed to use on ds. just put game in action replay and plug in action replay like its game
No, you do not need to connect your action replay to your computer but you have to look online for codes for your action replay though
You can`t catch it in the wild you need an action replay
well you need an action replay to cath a triners pokemon or you can get a code. you need a action replay or a code so good luck!
you need a action replay
you need to get an action replay and use the code alltms and HMS you need to get an action replay and use the code alltms and HMS
You're not talking about the Max Duo, are you? I can't tell you about that, but I believe that the cable used by the Action Replay GBX is an obscure- but generic- kind of USB cable. I'm trying to figure out what kind of cable it is myself. -jtull89
You do need an Action Replay DS to use the Action Replay codes, think about it. It's kind of obvioce isn't it, brainiac!
you need to have an action replay for dsi the it should come a little usb cable to fit in the action replay It should fit directly behind the game pak.
you need action replay or gameshark but action replay is better you need action replay or gameshark but action replay is better you need action replay
to get action replay you need to have an action replay ds unfortunatly u need to buy an action replay ds
You just need an action replay, but you can use either one.
No, you need action replay for gamecube.
answer a chip? well for action replay on ds you need the ds version of action replay to use it.
No. You need an action replay or gameshark.
yes. you ABSOLUTELY 100% NEED AN ACTION REPLAY. You can buy it at target, eb games, gamestop,MAYBE coconuts, but try target-it SHOULD be there, :flare blades answerthe best place to get action replay ds's is walmart
you need action replay or any kind of hack to get mew
You will need Action Replay DSi - the regular Action Replay device will not work.