Special Attack determines the amount of damage dealt from a move that is in the Special category of attacks. An example of a special attack would be Bubblebeam. If an attack is in the special category, it means that it is an attack in which your Pokemon's body does not make physical contact with the other Pokemon. Example: Tackle would be a physical attack, because your Pokemon charges at your opponent's Pokemon, which makes them physically contact, while Bubblebeam is projected from a Pokemon's mouth, so your Pokemon does not physically touch your opponent's Pokemon. Special Defense deals with how much protection you get from Special category moves.
Use protein and iron, protein raises attack while iron raises defense carefully use each to make each stat equal.
Pokemon cannot hold items in Pokemon Blue, Red or Yellow. It was introduced only in the Gen II games.
Switching Pokemon doesn't work. Simply use a potion, or snap into the mic. If done right, your Pokemon will either attack and not hurt itself, or snap out.
No Pokemon can make rare candies, but some Pokemon have the Pickup ability which give them a chance of picking up items randomly including rare candies. Some of these Pokemon include Zigzagoon, Linoone, Meowth, and Sentret.
You teach a water Pokemon mimic and when a fire Pokemon shoots a fire attack your Pokemon will shoot it to!!
FIRST you get a ditto and a Pokemon that knows thief go into double battle in Pokemon tower(north from fight zone) and have thief as first Pokemon and ditto second(so they both go first) make your thief Pokemon uses thief them make your ditto transform and win the batlle the retire and save then you have the theived item twice unfortunetly this doesn't work with your items in your bag BYE BYE. =)
quick claw
Sp. Attack is non-physical moves, where the pokemon do not make contact with each other.
Just make one of your Pokemon hold the item and clone(duplicate) it.
First u have to buy pokeballs in pokeshop. Then go to maps and find a wild pokemon. fight with it and make it Hp to the minimum, and then press Items near the Attack button. click use near the pokeball..... thats it! Hope this helped...
Put a soothe bell on it, Use items like x attack, x speed and x items on low leveled Pokemon like patrat on route 1. This will help it be friendlier. Use calcium and EV's to boost it stats which also make it friendlier. IF you want to avoid it being nasty to you, avoid using revival herbs, don't make it faint in battle and use the Pokemon a lot without the health going low. I hope this helped you ^_^
use different fishing rods and try items that make pokemon come near you
Usualy speed desides unles someone uses quick atack then that Pokemon atacks first
say if it is flame thrower the Pokemon does not make contact with the other the flamethrower does that is a special attack. Where a move like mach punch it makes physical contact and hits that is a regular attack.
You can't. The only way to trade items is to make a Pokemon hold the item you want to trade.
no you can't let Pokemon hold key items