State references
The Azure Flute is only available as a Nintendo Event item.
the miracle berry is only available as a mystery gift item
They are not available for retail sale and may only be found as a collectible or a duplicated item
For Members: The rubber duck was available as a hidden item in the Penguin Style catalog, now it is not there. You'll have to wait for it to come back. For Non-Members: It was available as a free item in the Summer Parties earlier, which haven't taken place since I joined club penguin (July 2010).
You can only get in the Inn with the Member's Card which is a key item that is an event item. Only Nintendo can give out the event items. They're not available anywhere in-game. unless you cheat with an ar
item 86 is (item is not available or sold out from the menu)
because it is not available
it means the item is available
what item is not available in the deep ocean carbon dioxide,water,nutrients,or sunlight
In the year that the particular item of income becomes available and actually received by you.
the delivery truck is available at the item store in New York. this item is not looted.
This option is not available yet.
This item is commonly available in any US pharmacy. Talk to the druggist for it.
The item will be released on December 31, 2011 and is available for preorder at $69.99
It depends on what is autographed and whether or not you can still buy the item (autographed or not). If people are unable to purchase the item, it would be worth alot more money than an item that is still available to buy. Also, an item that is autographed, and that is still available to purchase, is worth more than the same item that is not autographed.
There is no such item currently available on Poptropica.
This item is not not currently available.