Not one hundered percent sure but i think its the one that evolves porygon in porygon2 OR its the item that evolves porygon2 into porygon-Z
You cannot get Oak's Letter in Pokémon Platinum without cheating since it's an event-only item. The only Oak's Letter event has already ended but it was active between September 28, 2009 and November 8, 2009.
In Pokemon Platinum to get the National Dex you will need to have seen all 210 Pokemon in the Sinnoh Dex then talk to Professor Rowan and then after a while Professor Oak will give you the National Dex!
If you have obtained your national pokedex, visit Oak in Eterna city. He will give you the up-grade. Give it to porygon, and trade it.
Professor Oak will not appear directly in the Flower Paradise, he'll appear at the start of the long route by it called Seabreak Path which is by the white rock in Route 224 however he'll only appear there if you have the key item Oak's Letter.
No. Professor Oak won't give you a shiny Pokemon. he'll only give you a choice of three starter Pokemon at the beginning of the game.
The Pokeradar is an item that you get in Pokemon Platinum. You get it from Professor Oak after completing the Shinoh Pokedex.
You need the Key Item Oak's Letter to get Shaymin.
he doesn't
You must see all the Pokemon in sinnoh and get the national dex. then prof oak will give it to you
If you have 60 Pokemon or more after beating the game oak will give you the national dex which will allow you to catch and own johto and hoenn Pokemon.
You can't find it. It is an item that you can only get from special Nintendo DS events, unless your friend trades you a Pokemon that is holding Oak's Letter.
get all the Pokemon in your pokedex from sinnoh then talk to professor rowan and oak will give it to ya
You cannot get Oak's Letter in Pokémon Platinum without cheating since it's an event-only item. The only Oak's Letter event has already ended but it was active between September 28, 2009 and November 8, 2009.
Prof. Oak's aide will give you the item if you have more than 40 Pokemon at Route 11.
No. The Shaymin event (oaks letter) in Pokemon platinum is not shareable. ~Bellafuzz
go on Google:Web type in Pokemon platinum. when you are on it, put your DS on, ask a parent to do this.
Oak's Letter is an event item in Pokemon Platinum and is needed to access Shaymin's area. The Letter can only be obtained via a cheat device. Event items like Oak's Letter are distributed in store and online events. However the event to give out Oak's Letter is not longer being held.