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there is none. that is what i know from diamond. in pearl, its probably the same.

- ho-ohawesomeness

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Q: What island is after fullmoon in Pokemon Pearl?
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I think you mean Fullmoon Island. Fullmoon Island is where you encounter Cresselia. It is a roaming Pokemon, so you can't catch it there.

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Unless you go to fullmoon island, you can't get darkrai

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Go to Fullmoon Island. Or Use I Cheat. But do the complicated one. I cheat Is STUPID!!!

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yes there are, new moon island,fullmoon island,turn back cave and i thinks that all

How do you get to fullmoon island on pearl?

well if you have an action replay you go to the other islan walkor runright and then you are at fullmoon island

How do you get darkria on Pokemon pearl?

new moon Island or fullmoon to get it you need infernape, torterra and empoleon all level 1 its easy

In Pokemon pearl where do you get Darkrai?

You have to go to Fullmoon Island. Then use the walkthrough cheat on the right side and walk across the water until you get to another island. You will find Darkrai on that island.