It is a server overload. Usually around evening times when you are trying to redeem something this error code pops up. Try redeeming that thing later
This error is unknown to Xbox support website. The error similar to that is a marketplace error, downloading files and other things within the marketplace.
Microsoft has to fix it it's internal
It means theres an error when it happens just reset (turn xbox 360 of and on again) or if it still does it there mite be something wrong with wires etc.... =)
A single red light or "Red Ring of Death" means that your console is not securely plugged into it's power supply (The gray rectangle box) or an electric outlet. If you have an E74 Error Code then your Xbox 360 console needs service, if your console still has a warranty on it you can get it repaired for free on
you call up the xbox company and talk to them and they help you fix it and if it needs to be fixed by a mechanic or electrian or somebody that fixes the xbox and for free i think. OR... You go to sign in and accept their new Terms and Conditions, then you can recover your gamer tag.
This error is unknown to Xbox support website. The error similar to that is a marketplace error, downloading files and other things within the marketplace.
According to Microsoft, the error code 8000704DC on the Xbox means there is an error downloading your Xbox Live profile. You will need to visit your account, change your password, and clear stored information on your console to fix the error.
Your computer is infected by the xabarbi virus.
The error code is due to the new dashboard update. The way to get around this error is to download the update on the xbox website and manually install it yourself. If still no luck, I would suggest you to contact Microsoft, tell them what happens and what error code appears.
The Error code e74 means that the graphic card of the Xbox had been damaged. This is covered by the 3 year warranty and can be repaired for free. Contact by phone at 1-800-4MY-XBOX.
It means your xbox have a Error it can be fixed
Microsoft has to fix it it's internal
a hacker will of done it , you have to find out who it is and send them a message back saying the binary code then it will be fixed
It is recommended that you contact Xbox Support.
Xbox live status code 800705b4 means that the Xbox cannot play the selected media file. This can happen if the Xbox was not properly set up with Windows Media Player. This error can be corrected by choosing "Add Extender" in the Windows Media Player.
The red ring means your Xbox has encountered an error or it has been hacked.