It is either not charged and has no power or it could possibly be broken. If you are having major problems, try going to the place where you purchased the Nitendo DS and hopefully they can help. Otherwise, try going to a Game Stop.
A game console.
The Nitendo WII
I have no idea. you need a wall walkthu cheat. OR. Nitendo stoped making the game.
To get the mystic ticket in fire red/leaf green you must go to a nitendo event and trade it with mystery gift. This is the only way i know.
A game console.
The tickets are work two skyrim games, a pickax, and a nitendo 64
It's an older game console. Unlike the Wii, it has worse graphics and ordinary controls, like PSX or Nintendo 64.
Yeah is the best Nitendo game, because there is so much you can do! And there is alot of Mario game, like Mario 64 and the other ones.
You can no longer buy n64 games in stores but you can look to buy them online. Or maybe technology antique store.
What is wrong when your toenail starts turning green?
There is a song on Sgt. Pepper called When I'm 64.
With Windmills Turning Wrong Directions was created in 2004-06.
On the Nitendo WFC.
he was the 1st crcater of nitendo