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i think that electric and water are terrible on dragon. I almost forgot that bug stinks against dragon too.

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Q: What is weak against dragon types?
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Dragonite is a Dragon- and Flying-Type, so it is weak against Rock-Types and Dragon-Types, and exceptionally weak against Ice-Types.

What type are dragon types weak against?

ice and dragon types. glad i could help :)

What is weak against dragon type Pokemon?

It may sound weird but the only types weak against dragon Pokemon are other dragon Pokemon except ice types for some reason.

What are Dragon types weak against?

They are weak against dragons. Dragons beat each other up.

What are dragon type Pokemon weak against?

Dragon type moves are not very effective against Steel types. Dragon and Ice type moves are super effective against Dragon types.

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Dragon and that's it, however in turn dragons are only weak against dragon and ice makeing them good types.

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Water-Type moves are weak against Grass-Types, Dragon-Types, and other Water-Types. Water-Type Pokémon are weak against Electric-Types and Grass-Types.

What is nefuar dragon weak ness?

Dragon types are weak to Dragon and Ice types.

What are dragon Pokemon weak against?

Dragon type Pokemon are weak against Ice, Dragon, and Fairy type moves.

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Dragon types(Garchomp, Haxorus etc) Ice types (Froslass, Weavile etc)

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Salamence is a Dragon- and Flying-Type, so it is weak against Rock-Types and Dragon-Types, and exceptionally weak against Ice-Types.