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Q: What is upper tier in theatre called?
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What is a baignoire?

A baignoire is a box of the lowest tier in a theatre.

What were latin and later roman nobles called?

The names of nobles in the other Latin cities is not known. The upper tier of the Roman nobility was the patricans and the lower tier was the equites (cavalrymen).

Which are the best seats in hampden park upper tier or lower tier?

block O2

At goodison park stadium for the away fans where isit better to sit upper tier or lower tier?

Lower tier

What is difference between Upper 2-tier Capital and Lower 2-tier capital?

Tier 2 capital is debt that is subordinated to the majority of other calls on the bank. It is divided into Upper Tier 2 and Lower Tier 2. Upper Tier 2 debt is undated. It must be of a type unlikely to threaten the solvency of the bank. Lower Tier 2 capital is dated normally with a maturity date of more than 5 years. Lower Tier 2 capital cannot exceed 50% of Tier 1. Tier 2 capital as a whole cannot exceed Tier 1 capital.

The highest tier of seats in a theater?

upper tier of seats found indoors at a theater or arena.seats

A sentence with the word tier?

once the upper tier is full, access to lower tiercan be made from same entrance.

Govement of London?

The government of London is broken into two tiers the upper tier and the lower tier. The upper is the Greater London Assembly and the lower is the London borough councils.

What were upper class Romans known as during the Roman Republic?

The higher tier of the aristocracy were the patricians. The lower tier were the equites (cavalrymen)

Organization chart for health information management?

It is necessary to run the system. comprises of upper tier, Middle tier and lower formation.

In the upper tier of southern states the principal slave produced commodity was?

It was Tobacco. Taboacco, the original plantation crop of the colonial period, continued to be the principle slave-cultivated commodity of the upper tier of southern states.

The noble or more powerful citizens of rome were called?

The powerful citizens of Rome were the patricians and the equestrians. The patricians were the upper tier of the aristocracy and were large landowners and high priests. The equestrians were the lower tier of the aristocracy and were merchants, bankers and eterpreneurs.