

Best Answer

S Tier:

1. Pikachu

2. Fox

A Tier:

3. Kirby

4. Captain Falcon

5. Mario

B Tier:

6. Yoshi

7. Donkey Kong

8. Jigglypuff

9. Ness

C Tier:

10. Luigi

11. Link

12. Samus

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Q: What is the tier list for super smash brothers 64?
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What is the tier list for super smash bros brawl?

To see who is the best.

What does tier list mean in Super Smash Bros. games?

it just means: it's all the characters

What are the top tier characters in brawl?

Here is the official tier list by the Smash World Forums:

Who is better in SSBB Donkey Kong or Diddy Kong?

Diddy Kong is ranked higher than Donkey Kong on the official tier list. Reference:

Who is the strongest character Super Smash Bros 4?

Shiek has been dubed the strongest character in Smash 4 by many tier lists and top level players.

Who is the strongest person in Super Smash Bros Melee?

It depends on the player. Different players are good at different characters. However, according to the tier list for Melee, the strongest character is Fox. NOTE: Just because he is the supposed strongest does not mean that you will always win with him.

Is Mario the best character in Super Smash Bros Brawl?

This is obviously a debatable topic, but the GENERALLYaccepted tier system is found here: short, Mario is ranked 31st out of 38 characters and Meta-Knight is widely considered the best character in the game. This is of course dependent on the skill of the player(s). The tier system assumes 2 players of equal skill, etc.

Who is the most powerful character in SSBB?

Everyone has a different opinion about things, so the answer might vary. The SSBB Tier List says that the character with the best match-ups, advantages is Meta Knight, and the runner-up is Snake. I personally think Marth is the best, though he is 7th on the Tier List, which is out of 37 characters, that's pretty good. For more information, go on the Smash Wikipedia, which includes the full list.

Is there 21 characters in Super Smash Bros Brawl?

No there are more than 21.*cough, cough,38,cough* wow, that's a bad cough. Wanna win BIG? use tier 1 character, META KNIGHT! (Personally, i like lucario,(who is tier 10 by the way.)I own with lucario. so does my brother.

What is the current ranking of SRAM components in the SRAM tier list?

As of now, SRAM components are ranked highly in the SRAM tier list, known for their quality and performance.

How do you get Mega Man on super smash bro brawl?

Sorry to say, there is no Megaman on SSBB. BTW Wanna win big? pick the tier 1 character, META KNIGHT! Personally, i ilke lucario(whos tier 10 by the way)I own with him. ARE GIRLS GOOD AT VGs? I THINK I AM and im a GIRL o3o HEAR THAT BOYS?

List of Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 cities in US?

I have the tier 1 list: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, Philadelphia, Houston, Washington, Miami, Atlanta, Boston, Seattle, San Francisco, Washington DC, San Jose, Honolulu, and White Plains