It depends what generation it is.
Generation l Horn drill
Genration ll Zap cannon
Generation lV Hail
Generation V Hail
Mystery Dungeon Hail
In Emerald, TM07 Hail is found on the ground of the Ice Room in Shoal Cave. Shoal Cave is located along Rt 125 North of Mossdeep City. To access the Ice Room, you need to visit the cave during low tide, which occurs between 3am-9am and 3pm-9pm.
TM01 - Focus Punch TM02 - Dragon Claw TM03 - Water Pulse TM04 - Calm Wind TM05 - Roar TM06 - Toxic TM07 - Hail TM08 - Bulk Up TM09 - Bullet Seed TM10 - Hidden Power TM11 - Sunny Day TM12 - Taunt TM13 - Ice Beam Casino Prize TM14 - Blizzard TM15 - Hyper Beam TM16 - Light Screen TM17 - Protect TM18 - Rain Dance TM19 - Giga Drain TM20 - Safeguard TM21 - Frustration TM22 - Solar Beam TM23 - Iron Tail TM24 - Thunderbolt TM25 - Thunder TM26 - Earthquake TM27 - Return TM28 - Dig TM29 - Psychic TM30 - Shadow Ball TM31 - Brick Break TM32 - Double Team TM33 - Reflect TM34 - Shockwave TM35 - Flamethrower TM36 - Sludge Bomb TM37 - Sandstorm TM38 - Fire Blast TM39 - Rock Tomb TM40 - Aerial Ace TM41 - Torment TM42 - Facade TM43 - Secret Power TM44 - Rest TM45 - Attract TM46 - Theif TM47 - Steel Wing TM48 - Skill Swap TM49 - Snatch TM50 - Overheat
Shoal Cave has nothing that is crucial to the plot of Emerald. However, it is unique in the fact that it has high tides and low tides which change as the day turns to night, and the night turns to day. At high tide, you can obtain the Shoal Shell items, which respawn each day, as well as a Rare Candy. At low tide, you can obtain the Shoal Salt items, which respawn each day, and you can access the lowest floor of the cave, the only place in the game where you can catch Spheal and Snorunt. This room also contains TM07, Hail, and the Nevermeltice Hold Item, which boosts the power of Ice-Type attacks. In another room accessible at low tide, you'll find a Black Belt who will give you the Focus Band if you talk to him. The Focus Band is a Hold Item that has a one-in-ten chance of preventing the Pokémon it holds from fainting, leaving it with one HP. And as for the Shoal Salts and Shoal Shells, if you take four of each of them to the old man at the front of the cave, he will create a Shell Bell for you. The Shell Bell is a Hold Item for Pokémon; whenever the holder deals damage, it gains HP equal to 1/8 of the damage that it dealt. There's also a Big Pearl and Ice Heal in the cave, but apart from that, nothing else of much significance; the other wild Pokémon that can be encountered in the cave can be found elsewhere (Magikarp, Tentacool, Wailmer, Zubat, and Golbat).
Gyarados can learn the following moves with the levels included: (--) Thrash (20) Bite (23) Dragon Rage (26) Leer (29) Twister (32) Ice Fang (35) Aqua Tail (38) Rain Dance (41) Hydro Pump (44) Dragon Dance (47) Hyper Beam HMs and TMs: (TM03) Water Pulse (TM05) Roar (TM06) Toxic (TM07) Hail (TM10) Hidden Power (TM12) Taunt (TM13) Ice Beam (TM14) Blizzard (TM15) Hyper Beam (TM17) Protect (TM18) Rain Dance (TM21) Frustration (TM24) Thunderbolt (TM25) Thunder (TM26) Earthquake (TM27) Return (TM32) Double Team (TM35) Flamethrower (TM37) Sandstorm (TM38) Fire Blast (TM41) Torment (TM42) Facade (TM43) Secret Power (TM44) Rest (TM45) Attract (TM55) Brine (TM58) Endure (TM59) Dragon Pulse (TM66) Payback (TM68) Giga Impact (TM71) Stone Edge (TM72) Avalanche (TM73) Thunder Wave (TM78) Captivate (TM79) Dark Pulse (TM82) Sleep Talk (TM83) Natural Gift (TM87) Swagger (TM90) Substitute (HM03) Surf (HM04) Strength (HM06) Rock Smash (HM07) Waterfall Platinum Move Tutor Attacks: Dive Icy Wind Snore Spite Uproar Aqua Tail Bounce Iron Head Outrage Twister
Congratulations. This is the final stretch! You should assemble a party composed of your most powerful Pokémon -- one of which has to know the Strength technique. Don't forget to stock up on health power-ups and be sure to bring a powerful Water type (equipped with Surf or a similar strong Water attack) since most wild Pokémon you'll encounter in this dungeon are Ground types. In order to get through Victory Road, you need to do some old-fashioned rock pushing. The puzzles are exceedingly simple if you know what to do. Just push the boulders onto the round switches to clear the path. To get the items on the first floor, you need to push the rock so that it blocks one of the items. To get the other item, simply leave the room and come back (this resets the rocks).The only tricky part is the block puzzle on the second floor. There is no block here to push onto the switch. No problem. Go to the third floor and push the boulder there into the hole in the ground. Jump through the hole and you'll find yourself on the second floor. Now you can push the boulder onto the switch. Although it looks confusing, the dungeon is actually linear. Follow the trail of trainers and ladders to the exit and you'll find yourself on Indigo Plateau. Remember to save often.Here is a listing of trainers you will encounter on your trip down Victory Road:Cool Trainer NaomiPersian (44)Ponyta (42)Rapidash (42)Vulpix (42)Ninetales (44)Cool Trainer RolandoRaticate (42)Ivysaur (42)Wartortle (42)Charmeleon (42)Charizard (42)Black Belt DaisukeMachoke (43)Machop (43)Machoke (43)Juggler NelsonDrowzee (41)Hypno (41)Kadabra (41)Kadabra (41)Tamer VincentPersian (44)Golduck (44)Juggler GregoryMr. Mime (43)Pok¿maniac DawsonCharmeleon (40)Lapras (40)Lickitung (40)Cool Trainer GeorgeExeggutor (43)Cloyster (43)Sandslash (42)Arcanine (43)Cool Trainer AlexaClefairy (42)Jigglypuff (42)Persian (42)Dewgong (43)Chansey (43)Cool Trainer CarolineBellsprout (43)Weepinbell (43)Victreebel (43)Parasect (42)Paras (42)Cool Trainer ColbyKingler (43)Poliwhirl (42)Tentacruel (42)Seadra (42)Blastoise (43)Cool Couple Ray & TyraNidoqueen (45)Nidoking (45)The following Items are available on Victory Road:* TM02 (Dragon Claw): First Floor* Rare Candy: First Floor* TM37 (Sandstorm): Second Floor* Full Heal: Second Floor* TM07 (Hail): Second Floor* Guard Spec: Second Floor* TM50 (): Third Floor* Max Revive: Third Floor
In Pokemon Diamond TM07 can be found on Route 217. You can also trade 10 Green Shards to an NPC on Route 212 for a copy of TM 07.
It's TM07 and can me found in Shoal Cave.
Protect is TM17 and is located in the Goldenrod City Department Store.
Originally, Horndrill was a TM07 in Generation One, the games Red, Blue, and Yellow. The TM07 has changed with Generations, because in Generation Two, it became Zap Cannon, then in the Third and Fourth, became Hail instead. So no Horndrill TM in Pokemon Diamond, I'm afraid. But you can get Pokemon migrated from the GameBoy Pokemon Cartdriges that learn the move Horndrill. Some of them are Nidoran, Rhyhorn and Rhydon, and Seaking and Goldeen. Have fun!
In Emerald, TM07 Hail is found on the ground of the Ice Room in Shoal Cave. Shoal Cave is located along Rt 125 North of Mossdeep City. To access the Ice Room, you need to visit the cave during low tide, which occurs between 3am-9am and 3pm-9pm.
There are Waterfalls scattered all across Sapphire. The best Waterfall to climb is just outside of Falabor Town. There's a Rare Candy at the top. Try Meteor Falls if you're really ambitious. There's tons of items in there, like TM07 (eg Dragon Claw), and some really rare Pokemon (eg Bagon).
Regardless of the gender, Castform learns Weather Ball [Normal] at level 30. The attack type changes depending on the weather; [Fire] if sunny, [Water] if rainy, and [Ice] if it's hailing. Therefore, it's a really good idea to teach Castform Sunny Day (TM11), Rain Dance(TM18), and Hail(TM07).
Go to Four Island (get the Rainbow Pass from Celio) and Surf inside the Ice Cave (I forgot what it was called). Go through the puzzle and find TM07 (Waterfall) and Lorelei fighting Team Rocket. You help defeat one grunt and then they run away. Then go to the Pokemon League and she'll be there. SEE YA!
No he doesn't learn ice beam- you have to teach it to him using a TM. An alternative for ice beam is blizzard but personally I wouldn't recommend it because as you progress through the game the opposition gets faster and it's difficult to hit. He has a good move pool however, and the only reason to teach him an ice move is to protect his weakness against grass and bug types.
If you mean the one in Goldenrod city, its use is revealed after you defeat the Elite Four. Once you arrive in Kanto (the setting for the first generation game) you have to visit the, now functional, Power plant. Inside, you find that it's not functioning properly because a Rocket Grunt stole the Machine part. Go to Celadon Gym and you find it in the water. Take it back to the Power plant and you obtain TM07 (Zap Cannon). Then, visit the Copycat girl in Saffron city and retrieve her Clefairy Doll from the fat bloke in the Pokémon fan club in Vermillion City. Take it back to her, you now have a Magnet train pass. In short, the station is for conveniant use between Kanto and Johto.
- Tackle - Growl 6 Mud-Slap 10 Water Gun 15 Bide 16 Mud Shot 20 Foresight 25 Mud Sport 31 Take Down 39 Muddy Water 46 Protect 52 Earthquake 61 Endeavor TM01 Focus Punch TM03 Water Pulse TM05 Roar TM06 Toxic TM07 Hail TM10 Hidden Power TM13 Ice Beam TM14 Blizzard TM15 Hyper Beam TM17 Protect TM18 Rain Dance TM21 Frustration TM23 Iron Tail TM26 Earthquake TM27 Return TM28 Dig TM31 Brick Break TM32 Double Team TM39 Rock Tomb TM42 Facade TM43 Secret Power TM44 Rest TM45 Attract HM03 Surf HM04 Strength HM06 Rock Smash HM07 Waterfall HM08 Dive
dratini evolves into dragonair at level 30 and dragonair evolves into dragonite at level 55 my dragonites moves were - DRAGON CLAW - BLIZZARD - FIRE BLAST - THUNDER my dragonite wos level 90 when i reached the elite 4 and he wos level 100 when i beat the elite 4 i beat mewtwo with two move's BLIZZARD and FIRE BLAST hope i helped