To have robots invade, you need to turn the DS internal clock backwards, then play The Sims 2. However, when you kill one of the robots, it just respawns.
The Servo robot's can have babies.
No, Sims can not kill each other only the player (you) can kill Sims.
Yes you do you need Sims 2 Open For Business and then it will allow you to make robots and buy the robot workshop or type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true and that can make a robot.
You get both of the sims to be enemys...but I don't think one sim can kill the other. But there are multiple ways to kill a sim with a cheat: 1. Type "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" without the quotation marks 2. Shift click on the sim you want to kill 3. Click Spawn 4. Rondeys Death Creator 5. And choose one of the following! :(
To have robots invade, you need to turn the DS internal clock backwards, then play The Sims 2. However, when you kill one of the robots, it just respawns.
Yes they can.
only if you cheat.
The Servo robot's can have babies.
Well, Yes, you can but there is a cheat that you can get from sims 2 and it will tell you then. If I tell you now it wont be a surprise so GO SIMS! jess...!...!
No, Sims can not kill each other only the player (you) can kill Sims.
No would be cool
Yo cant kill him.
You can't kill an infant.
they kill