inferior or perhaps minor, subordinate, underling.
inferior position
It depends on the definition of "official". It is in Webster's Unabridged, but it is actually a Turkish word: a title of respect, or a rank.
Hierarchical is a classification term. It means arranged in the order of rank.
I've is a word that means I have. I'll is a word that means I will.
Desperate is the word that means willing to do anything.
inferior position
The root word of "ranking" is "rank," which means to assign a position based on a particular characteristic or quality.
It is the French form of the noble rank of 'Count'.
the lesser known E9 rank is Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps.
An officer is a member in the armed forces who has been promoted to a rank where they have authority over others. This means they can command those in lesser ranks.
It means the position [of an observation] in an ordered data set.
The word estate has different meanings. One way the word is used is to refer to the real landed possessions of a person. The typical estate of a lord was one or more manors. Another way the word is used refers to a group of people forming an important social order. We often see reference to three estates, the clergy, the nobility, and people of lesser rank. The people of lesser rank are often referred to as commoners, but this is not technically correct, as most members of the nobility were also commoners.
The word estate has different meanings. One way the word is used is to refer to the real landed possessions of a person. The typical estate of a lord was one or more manors. Another way the word is used refers to a group of people forming an important social order. We often see reference to three estates, the clergy, the nobility, and people of lesser rank. The people of lesser rank are often referred to as commoners, but this is not technically correct, as most members of the nobility were also commoners.
It is the adverb form of the word "inferior" which means of lower rank or importance. The antonym of "inferior" is "superior".