that's called altruism
Someone who is always helping others can be known as a Good Samaritan.Words that describe someone who is always helping others are:generous - (adj.) liberal in giving or sharingself-sacrificing - (adj.) will to deprive yourself for the benefit of othersaffectionate - (adj.) having or showing fondnessaltruistic - (adj.) unselfishamiable - (adj.) friendly, agreeablebenevolent - (adj.) charitable, kindhumanitarian - (adj.) giving, compassionate
The term for someone who thinks of others is "considerate."
One word that describes someone who thinks they are better than others is "arrogant." This term conveys a sense of superiority and a lack of humility in their interactions with others.
A person who thinks they are better than others is often referred to as arrogant, conceited, or elitist.
The word for someone who thinks they are perfect is "narcissist."
Someone who thinks they are better than others is often referred to as arrogant or conceited.
The word egotistical is an adjective. It describes someone who thinks themselves to be better than others.
The term for someone who thinks they are superior to everybody is "narcissist" or "egotist."
Caring person
Presumptuous ,
The word for someone who thinks they can do no wrong is "self-righteous." This term describes a person who is confident in their own moral correctness and judgment, often to the point of being arrogant or dismissive of others' opinions.