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Egotistical people.

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Q: What is the word for people that love themselves?
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What is the word for People who love themselves?

They are narcissists. They are narcissistic. They have narcissism.

How do you use the word tanning in a sentence?

Some people love tanning themselves on a beach.

Do you love ourselfs or the person you ae in love with more?

People should love themselves first before they are able to love any other person. Most people today do love and put other people before themselves.

Why do people love themselves and not others?

because they like themselves better

What are people called when they are in love with themselves?


Why do people love gorging themselves?

Some people love gorging themselves because they gain comfort from eating the food in large quantities. Most people who gorge themselves are eating due to emotional reasons rather than hunger.

Why do you think there are so many words to describe god?

Because no words can do him justice, words lose their meaning by associating themselves with different concepts. For example: Love used to be an awesome word. Now people "love" pizza, they "make love" to each other, they "love" a particular film. The word becomes cheapened with such use.

Why do people cuty themselves?

because theire depressed love Carly

How do people in Italy provide themselves with their needs?

how do people provide for the needs of their family

Who are the original people of Canada?

The original people were believed to be fallen angels, demons who love to take land for themselves that is why they are connected to ther countries. (they also love love love time killers)

What is dlinkedcom?

Its a word from the 90s. People used it to describe people who were coming in love with there computers. Marriages were broken up and so were many families. People who caused this adopted this name because they d linked themselves from there normal life.

Why does some people feel the love of God and others do not?

Because others refuse to be loved and do not love or trust themselves.