Warrantability is a six-syllable word. Waldensianism is another six-syllable word.
amore, agape, adore
Are is the three letter word. Add an A to the end and you have Area.
i think it means a word that means not committed in love?
The word love has one syllable.
Yes, "trees" is a one-syllable word, so it works in a haiku poem which follows the 5-7-5 syllable structure.
no, its a four syllable word cal-cu-la-tion
"Assassin" is a 5-syllable word that starts with A.
There is one syllable in the word "love".
Love is undefined . . .
The second syllable of the word 'conservative' is stressed (con'ser'va'tive).
no, it has 3
5 syllables