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The wondermail for the Beauty Scarf is here:

1?-N RW+? 48?5

W3?7 64?6 K.?W

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Q: What is the wonder-mail code for the beauty scarf?
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How do you submit wondermail in Pokemon mysery dungeon red recue team?

in the start menu, there is a wonder mail option. That's were you type in the wondermail code.

Is there a wondermail code generator for pmd1? um........that doesn't work.......

Where to get a beauty scarf in Pokemon emerald?

There is no beauty scarf in Emerald. However there is a blue scarf (raises beauty) and it can be obtained like other colored scarfs. First, max a Pokemon's beauty (anyone will do). Then go to Slateport City (by boat, fly, cycle whatever). Then go to the Pokemon Fan Club. Talk to the chairperson inside when you switched the Pokemon with max beauty to the first Pokemon. He will say that it is well trained or something close and give you a blue scarf. Likewise, maxing out a Pokemon's coolness and putting it as the first Pokemon will allow you to get red scarf (raises coolness).

How do you get a blue scarf in Pokemon Sapphire?

To get a blue scarf in Pokemon sapphire you must take the Pokemon you want to hold the scarf in Slateport city and enter the Fan club.Your Pokemon must have maxed beauty,smartness e.t.c depending on what scarf you want to take.To maximize the beauty,coolness e.t.c you must feed it high level pokeblocks and you can make those from dry berries.Check the berry's description and you'll see which is dry.

How do you get all kinds of scarf in Pokemon emerald?

im not so sure... but i think that when u go to the Pokemon fan club in slateport city and talk to one person, ur first Pokemon in ur list should be good in beauty contests for blue scarf, smart for green scarf, cute for pink scarf, cool for red scarf, and tough for yellow scarf. or at least that's kinda how it is in ruby and sapphire, except that they can only get one scarf.

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What is the wonder mail to have beauty scarf in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2?

Just go to and go to PMD2 wondermail generator and type in wat you want.

What is a wondermail s code?

A Wondermail S Code is a code for Mystery Dungeon Sky specifically.

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you have to do a special wondermail event.if you copy the wondermail code down, you can also get him on time/darkness

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To get that wondermail go to google,type in the box wondermail generator,and then click wondermail generator 2 and put in the thing you want then type the code into your game.

How do you get a beauty scarf?

go to primark!!!

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You need to get a wondermail code for it as its only in red rescue and u can find a code in or any other wondermail website.

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a wondermail code

Is there a wondermail code to get some legionaries in pokemon mystery dungeon red?

No, you cant get free pokemon or any pokemon dungeons via wondermail.

What does code x8swyy s-jfpfhk5w8k in mystery dungeon darkness?

sorry but this is not a real wondermail code.

How do you submit wondermail in Pokemon mysery dungeon red recue team?

in the start menu, there is a wonder mail option. That's were you type in the wondermail code.

How do you get a mystery part?

You must use a Wondermail code that I forgot. (sorry):(

Is there a wondermail code generator for pmd1? um........that doesn't work.......