in the start menu, there is a wonder mail option. That's were you type in the wondermail code.
of course just email them at be polite and stuff though you might want to put this info in the letter aswell:typesmaybe an evolutionattackspokedex colourspeciesweight and heightabilityegg groupand any other information neededhope this helped
There's a contact list at their website that supplies an address and phone number, you can submit your ideas there.
You cannot get the Pokemon braviary in Pokemon Black, but, you can get the Pokemon Mandibuzz by first evolving Vullaby to lvl. 54. You can get Vullaby at rt. 10, Victory Road and Village Bridge. For more info you can search BULBAPEDIA at Google. That's all from the PokemonGURLmASTER999, Sara Moslemi!! If you have any more Pokemon related Q's leave a message at In order to get Braviary, get on your DSi, go to the Pokemon Selector online, then select Braviary and press submit, then go to your DS settings and say no for auto-obtain dns. Now, put in the following in the primary dns: 204-045-029-054, and then go to the GTS, get your Braviary, reset, and switch the settings back to normal! It seems like a lot of work, but it's actually really easy.
ok i dont know how to get the action replay code how ever i do know that if you have a pokemon global link you can get arceus. 1. first go to then click pokemon global link 2. sign up and create an account 3. ounce you made one click promotions 4. then click one of the choices that should say befriend aceus or something similar to that. 5. then put in the passcode ARCEUSVOTE and submit then the pokemon global link will tell you what to do from then on i hope this helps :)
On the front page of the newspaper (Club Penguin Times) on the way top left side there is a button that says: We Need You. So then you click on that and options come up for what you want to submit. In your case, you would click on joke. Then a box comes up and you type in your joke, riddle, etc., Then you click on the submit button.
You find Groudon in Magma Cavern on 40F, and you have to see it more than once to recruit it.It's very unlikely it'll join your team, so it may take more then one try.Groudon joined my team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! replyhalf way mid:24f groudon:3f (submit)
Press enter, a bar should show up, type the cheat with a + sign before it, ex. +potionaholic. The cheat should now be activated.
You have to beat red and then go to professor oak's lab
Will submit.
You can't unless you work for Nintendo, GameFreak, or some of the other big guys. I tried when I was younger, they don't accept it.
click submit
how do i submit a rebate?
"Submit" in Spanish is "enviar" or "someter" depending on the context.
Submit -> Submit Art
Submit was created in 1992.
Where do u submit jingles
The preposition "to" is commonly used with the verb "submit." For example, you submit your homework to your teacher.