Fighting Pokemon are weak against Psychic types and Flying types. Ghost Pokemon are also a good choice against Fighting types since Fighting and Normal type attacks don't effect them.
The weakness of Mightena is Fighting And Bug types Pokemon!!
fighting type pokemons weakness are psychic and flying moves steel is weak aageinst water fire fighting and ground
fighting types and bug types
Fighting type moves are best
flying and psychic type
The weakness of Mightena is Fighting And Bug types Pokemon!!
flying psychic
fighting type pokemons weakness are psychic and flying moves steel is weak aageinst water fire fighting and ground
Fire, fighting, rock and steel.
water,grass, ground and fighting
Fighting, ground, and elecrtic.
Ice, fighting, bug, and steel.
fighting types and bug types
Fighting type moves are best
flying and psychic type
Fighting type moves will do the job
It is Rock,fighting,flying and grass. By JJBROS