flying and psychic type
fighting type pokemons weakness are psychic and flying moves steel is weak aageinst water fire fighting and ground
Fighting type moves are best
Fighting type moves will do the job
Rock type Pokemon are weak against Water, Steel, Grass and Fighting.
flying and psychic type
fighting type pokemons weakness are psychic and flying moves steel is weak aageinst water fire fighting and ground
It is Rock,fighting,flying and grass. By JJBROS
Fighting type moves are best
Fighting type moves will do the job
Rock type Pokemon are weak against Water, Steel, Grass and Fighting.
Lucario is a Fighting and Steel-type Pokemon, meaning that Fire, Fighting, and Ground-type attacks are its weaknesses.
Skuntank is a Poison and Dark type pokemon.
Persian is a normal type so fighting type would be super effective.
Cloyster's weaknesses are electric-type, fighting-type, grass-type, and rock-type.
Machop is a fighting-type Pokemon, and is therefore weak to Flying and Psychic attacks.
usally fighting and bug (depends if it has a second type)