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I read that Sunkern was weaker, but it has a better movepool, not sure if that's true.

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Q: What is the weakest Pokemon other than Magikarp and feebas?
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What other Pokemon can learn splash in heart gold?

(Pardon my spelling mistakes) The Only Pokemon that can learn splash is Magikarp, Gyardos (if you didn't make it forget splash when it was Magikarp). The other two I THINK is Feebas And Milotic (Milotic's reason is exactly the same as Gyardos. Hope this helped! :)

How can you evolve Magikarp quickly?

put strong Pokemon on your team and a magikarp. put magikarp first, and go to a place with high level Pokemon. when you meet a wild Pokemon, switch your Pokemon with a high level Pokemon and make it faint. that way, your magikarp will gain 1/2 experience. the other way is to put on experience share(it is an item)

On pokemon diamond which tiles can you catch a feebas?

The tiles are random every day. There are four, and the only to see which is by fishing each individual tile. The best choice is the Old Rod, as with that, Feebas will appear half of the time on the right tiles, the other half being Magikarp. If you mix records with a friend, your tiles will be the same, and you can work together to catch one.

What level does Magikarp evolve into Gyarados in Pokemon platinum?

Level20, As it always does in every other Pokemon Game.

How do you get the golden magikarp?

A golden Margikarp is a shiny margikarp, and as with other shiny Pokemon, there is only a 1/1892 chance of getting a Shiny(golden) magikarp. Breeding a Shiny Gyarados or a Shiny margikarp with another shiny Pokemon THAT CAN BREED WITH GYARADOS/MARGIKARP may have a higher chance of breeding a shiny magikarp. You can also trade the shiny gyarados from Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal version.

Related questions

What is the weakest Pokemon ever?

its magikarp if u look in the pokedex and look at magikarp it even says that its considered the weakest Pokemon haha... that's probably why it has such an awesome evolution :) Not only that, but magikarp can't even learn tms or HMS in Pokemon games. The only Pokemon that can't learn moves. - 8-) It can still learn flail and tackle though, but it is still dumb lol its like feebas, how it evolves into milotic Other Person: Well, if you're asking about base stats then Sunkern is the weakest. Magikarp is "weak" although it's not the "weakest."

Are Feebas and Magikarp related?

They are not related in any way other than the fact that they are both Pokemon that resemble fish.

What other Pokemon can learn splash in heart gold?

(Pardon my spelling mistakes) The Only Pokemon that can learn splash is Magikarp, Gyardos (if you didn't make it forget splash when it was Magikarp). The other two I THINK is Feebas And Milotic (Milotic's reason is exactly the same as Gyardos. Hope this helped! :)

How can you evolve Magikarp quickly?

put strong Pokemon on your team and a magikarp. put magikarp first, and go to a place with high level Pokemon. when you meet a wild Pokemon, switch your Pokemon with a high level Pokemon and make it faint. that way, your magikarp will gain 1/2 experience. the other way is to put on experience share(it is an item)

How do you evolve feebas in Pokemon platiunm with things that are easy?

there is no other way to evolve feebas but to maximum its beauty then level it and it will evolve!

On pokemon diamond which tiles can you catch a feebas?

The tiles are random every day. There are four, and the only to see which is by fishing each individual tile. The best choice is the Old Rod, as with that, Feebas will appear half of the time on the right tiles, the other half being Magikarp. If you mix records with a friend, your tiles will be the same, and you can work together to catch one.

In Pokemon Soul Silver is it possible to get a shiny Magikarp with a ditto because you caught shiny Gyarados?

Yes, you technically CAN get a shiny magikarp but its not automatic. You have the same chances of getting a shiny magikarp as you do a shiny Pokemon from any other kind of egg. The parents don't automatically make it a shiny magikarp.

What level does Magikarp evolve into Gyarados in Pokemon platinum?

Level20, As it always does in every other Pokemon Game.

At which level does Magikarp evolve in Pokemon Yellow?

Level 20, just like all of the other games, and Magikarp learns tackle at level 15.

What lvl does Magikarp evolve on in Pokemon emerald?

level 15 like EVERY other game.

Is magikarp strong?

Magikarp is a water-type carp Pokemon from the Pokemon games. It is a red fish with long whiskers. Magikarp are unlike other Pokemon in that it cannot learn any moves beyond three of them and is almost entirely useless in Pokemon battles. Magikarp are also nothing but bones and gills, making them inedible, as well. Magikarp is considered to be the weakest Pokemon of all, however, it evolves into a powerful water-dragon called Gyarados, which was known to arrive in packs and cause destruction to ancient civilizations during times of war in the Pokemon universe. It evolves into Gyarados at level 20, however, since it is too weak to battle, trainers must often have it first in battle, then switch out to another Pokemon, so that it levels up by "participant experience." Once it evolves, it becomes powerful enough to use in actual battles.

Can you get garados in Pokemon emerald?

yes- u can hack the game and catch other trainer's Pokemon or evolve a magikarp at lv 20.