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The ad for the trip to Portland to watch the show taped live at the Oregon Convention Center on Saturday, March 31st, 2012 never said

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Q: What is the travel company used by Wheel of Fortune?
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What are same name answers for Wheel of Fortune?

Some of the Wheel of Fortune puzzles are called same name. This is because the puzzle is made up of two different combinations that have a similar word or name at the end. An example from the Wheel of Fortune episode of September 20 2010 had a same name puzzle of Garlic and Bench Press. Both Garlic and Bench can have the same word Press used with them. See related link

What are the five lucky letters on Wheel of Fortune?

I don't know whether they are letters that are lucky, but the letters S, N, L, R, & T are the most commonly used consonant letters in the English Language. I guess they could be lucky letters when playing Wheel of Fortune as they would likely be in the puzzle.

What time and station is it for Wheel of Fortune tonight?

Wheel of Fortune is a syndicated TV program and not only on different times and stations, but also different networks. The related link can be used to find what the station and time is for your area

Has Wheel of Fortune ever repeated a puzzle?

Several times, answers to puzzles have appeared in slightly altered forms. But the English language contains far more than the approximately 35,000 phrases that Wheel of Fortune has featured in its 5000+ episodes. Aside from completely rerun episodes, the Wheel of Fortune producers maintain a complete list of used puzzle answers, and has not repeated puzzles within any 5 year period during its 28 seasons.

What is a Sony card from Wheel of Fortune?

It is a credit card and is not from Wheel of Fortune but from Capital One and issued to allow rewards selected from Sony Products The Sony card is issued exclusively to Sony Rewards Members and more information can be found about the card and Sony Rewards club in the related links below the answer. Basically instead of your credit card points being used for air miles you use them for Sony Products and you also earn points at Wheel of Fortune

Related questions

What is the code for the Wheel of Fortune on Moshi Monsters?

You have to buy Moshi Magazine #5 to get the code for the Wheel of Fortune. The code can only be used one time.

Which one of these is not a category on Wheel of Fortune - Fill in the Blank or Literature or Show Biz or Before and After?

The correct answer is Literature. The category Fill in the Blank was once a Wheel of Fortune category, and both Show Biz and Before and After still are used as Wheel of Fortune categories.

How do you make a wheel of fortune wheel?

you don't because the actual wheel is very heavy and the best you can do would be to use a roulette wheel with modifications made to it on the surface to reflect the wedges used in Wheel Of Fortune.

Where can you find the broadcast of Wheel of Fortune shows from 1988?

The quick answer is you can not. Episodes beyond the previous season are not shown on Saturday or Sunday broadcasts of the syndicated Wheel of Fortune show. The Game Show Network (GSN) used to broadcast older episodes of Wheel of Fortune and may again in the future. Episodes of Wheel of Fortune have not been released on DVD and are not available for online viewing at any site except for clips from certain shows on Wheel of Fortune .com and similar sites.

What is the wheel used for?

The wheel is used to travel The wheel is used on cars, trains, planes, machines, wagons, and most factory and farming tools.

What is a Wheel of Fortune used in rod pulling?

question does not make sense or needs more information

What is the name for a buzzer device like the ones used in Jeopardy?

The item does not have a good name. They also use that kind of device on Wheel of Fortune to buzz in on three questions a show. On wheel of fortune the best they could come up with was signaling device. You're welcome to think of a name and let Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune know.

What are sentences from Wheel of Fortune that deal with the 70's?

I think you are thinking of another TV show like Jeopardy that does have questions about the 70's on some programs. Wheel of Fortune does not have sentences used to play the game in the TV show

Why are the letters standard in the bonus round for Wheel of Fortune?

They are the most commonly used letters in the English language

Where to find the Wheel of Fortune site to register?

The Wheel of Fortune TV show has occasional Sweepstakes periods including the Secret Santa. These use the same Spin ID you obtain from the Wheel of Fortune website. Go to the related link and click the Wheel Watchers Club to sign up for your Spin ID and Rewards credits. Other sweepstakes have used separate Prize Puzzles that identified winners of the Sweepstakes, or that were available from outside sources. Players can find any upcoming sweepstakes at the Wheel of Fortune site.

What is a Wheel of Fortune motif in a literary device?

A Wheel of Fortune motif in literature symbolizes the unpredictable nature of fate and the idea that one's circumstances can change suddenly and without warning. It often reflects the theme of life's ups and downs, highlighting the cyclic nature of luck and misfortune. This motif is commonly used to emphasize the idea of fate or the inevitability of change.

What company bought the Beverly Hillibilles land?

The name of the company that bought the Beverly Hillbillies'' land was O.K. Oil Company. Jed Clampett sold it to them, received a fortune, and used that fortune to move his family to Beverly Hills in California.