Some of the Wheel of Fortune puzzles are called same name. This is because the puzzle is made up of two different combinations that have a similar word or name at the end. An example from the Wheel of Fortune episode of September 20 2010 had a same name puzzle of Garlic and Bench Press. Both Garlic and Bench can have the same word Press used with them. See related link
Bride and Meteor Shower was the same name puzzle
The 'Wheel of Moods' is the same thing as 'The Wheel of Fortune' on Moshi Monsters. You have to buy Moshi Magazine #5 to get the code for the Wheel of Fortune. The code is one use only and can not be shared.
$1000 is the lowest amount a contestant can win on Wheel of Fortune. However it is a long running show that replaced a show with the same name that had daytime shows and the prizes in the beginning were much smaller than now. In the beginning of the daytime show the minimum dollar value on the wheel was $25
When Wheel of Fortune is not made at the Culver City Sony Studio it is because they went somewhere to do the show. The newest example is the upcoming 3 weeks that the show was shot in Portland last weekend
A cash Advance is the method that they pay the winning prizes, think of it as the same as cash placed in an account that must access.
Bride and Meteor Shower was the same name puzzle
on NBC broadcast Television in the USA. Wheel of Fortune is the USA game show and that some other show had the name for there program is for a completely different program than what is now known as Wheel of Fortune. I have heard rumors that Australia had a show by the same name back in the early fifties or sixties, but it was not the Famous Wheel of Fortune and just a show with the same name
On the Same Page was the Wheel of Fortune Bonus Puzzle for April 4 2012
The 'Wheel of Moods' is the same thing as 'The Wheel of Fortune' on Moshi Monsters. You have to buy Moshi Magazine #5 to get the code for the Wheel of Fortune. The code is one use only and can not be shared.
While the Wheel of Fortune Site provides a description of Vanna's wardrobe and who designs she is wearing each day they do not do the same for Pat Sajak.
I don't know if it is different from the rest of the numbers? It looks like the same font to me.
$1000 is the lowest amount a contestant can win on Wheel of Fortune. However it is a long running show that replaced a show with the same name that had daytime shows and the prizes in the beginning were much smaller than now. In the beginning of the daytime show the minimum dollar value on the wheel was $25
Not really. Some Australians might count there game because they used the same title, but so did Shakespeare and others before him. The term use for Fortune's Wheel spinning our fates has been around for years. The Merv Griffin Game Show spread throughout the World and was even a better success in Australia than the earlier show with the same name
The Wheel of Fortune TV show has occasional Sweepstakes periods including the Secret Santa. These use the same Spin ID you obtain from the Wheel of Fortune website. Go to the related link and click the Wheel Watchers Club to sign up for your Spin ID and Rewards credits. Other sweepstakes have used separate Prize Puzzles that identified winners of the Sweepstakes, or that were available from outside sources. Players can find any upcoming sweepstakes at the Wheel of Fortune site.
Epic Voyage was the Wheel of Fortune bonus puzzleepic voyageTuesday April 26, 2011Spin ID: BP08892 Trip to Mexico belongs to Beverly P. of Wisconsin.
Wheel of Fortune has more single game winners that earn more than the Jeopardy list of 50.000 plus winners and the minimum for Wheel of Fortune is the same as the third place for Jeopardy. Only someone like Ken Jennings with multiple wins does better on Jeopardy. Since Wheel of Fortune pays out more money it would seem that on average you would do better on Wheel of Fortune. Many Jeopardy contestants leave with the second and third place prizes and still have to pay for all there costs to be on the program beginning with the audition including transportation and lodging if they were required.
When Wheel of Fortune is not made at the Culver City Sony Studio it is because they went somewhere to do the show. The newest example is the upcoming 3 weeks that the show was shot in Portland last weekend