The third evolution is Chandelure. It evolves from Lampent through a Dusk Stone. Lampent evolves from Litwick at level 41.
Taillow does not have a third evolution.
There is no official game yet, but there are rumors that there will be a Pokemon Gray version in a year or two, similar to Pokemon Platinum and Pokemon Crystal, as if it becomes real, it will be the third game in the Pokemon Black and White games.
Starly only evolves twice, so Staraptor is the final evolution and can't evolve. In fact, no pokemon can evolve three times, so it wouldn't be smart to assume that Starly can.
Nintendo has announced that there will not be a third game to be grouped with Black and White. There will not be a Grey.
In pokemon platinum, the best party ever is Infernape, Staraptor, Luxray[third evolution of Shinx], Floatzel, Bibarel [make it learn all its moves as HMs] and Giratina.
There is no third evolution yet
No there is no third evolution of vulpix. Ninetails is the last evolution yet!
It's Mothim, the third evolution of Burmy.
Starly's third evolution is Staraptor and once Starly is a Staravia which it will start to evolve into starting at Level 14, it will then start to evolve into Staraptor at Level 34.
If you picked charmander your rival will eventually get a venasaur.
In both Fire Red and Leaf Green, Beedrill is the third evolution of the pokemon Weedle, found in Viridian Forest.
if its the third one that is a super popular yellow Pokemon with red cheeks before evolution then its pichu.
Taillow does not have a third evolution.
well you cant actually catch a third evolution Pokemon you first catch a slacoth then evolve it to slaking hope its usful the information
You will get one after the third gym city.
The best pokemon team for pokemon platinum is Infernape, Staraptor, Floatzel, Luxray (Shinx third evolution), Giratina and Bibarel( make it learn all its four moves as HMs).
The second form is called Duosion, and it Solosis evolves into Duosion at level 32. Also, some extra info; the third evolution is called Reuniclus, and Duosion evolves into Reuniclus at level 41.