I do not know, but it is available to download via the PSN store as of now.
You cannot unlock it for PS2. It was a free downloadable song for Xbox 360 and PS3, meaning PS2 users cannot get it.
Koji Kondo created the Super Mario Bros. theme song.
Most probably "Song creator" or "Create custom song"
south park theme song
THe legend of Zelda theme song was created by Shigeru Miyamoto.
The intro theme song to WWE's SmackDown : Here Comes The Pain game was, " I wan't it all " by Jim Johnston.
The singer of Rey Mysterio's Theme song is P.O.D (Pain Of Death) if you dont mean his theme song, then i cant help you
The song is Stemm-face the pain You can get it from mediafire.com
Face the Pain by: StemmI'm pretty sure this is the right song.
The Halo theme is exclusive downloadable content for the PS3. So it's not possible.
V.I.P. Ballin by Mickael,T-Pain,Cyclone and Baby Bash
if it's the one that starts out with "I realize that screaming pain." it would be flow. the song is "sign".
Face the Pain is the theme song for UFC Unleashed. UFC Unleashed is a TV show that appears on the Spike TV channel.
The PS3 song is a parody of the song 'How to Save a Life'by The Fray.
pS3 oNLY_________
It's the theme song of Doom 3. -----> True, but the theme song is: "Doom 3 theme song" by Tweaker (2004)
Metallica had a theme song?