Neglecting something deliberately could be carelessness, negligence, ignore, disregard, noninterference, or lack of care.
Theft. Stealing.
The Term is Perceptual Vigilance
Lobby is the area that you first enter in something like a hotel where you get directed to your next location
A card you 'control' is something on your side of the field, be it a monster, spell or trap, and it can be something the opponent owns, but you've taken control of by whatever means.
Infer. If you infer something you are picking up the implied meaning.
"Deliberately" means doing something intentionally or on purpose, with careful thought or consideration behind it.
Not unless you are neglecting something important in order to do it.
An error of ommission is when you make a mistake by forgetting or neglecting to do something that you should have done.
It is when someone does something deliberately and it is a mean thing.
The one on the receiving end of this is a scapegoat.
The term "buddhu" is an offensive term that deliberately insults somebody's intelligence or capacity to learn in South Asia.
No, it is not. It is a noun, a language term for speech that is deliberately ambiguous, confusing, or evasive. Sometimes the term is extended to euphemisms (or "spin").
Yes, neglecting an animal is animal abuse.
Anger is an emotion characterized by antagonism toward someone or something you feel has deliberately done you
Neglecting term "opposite".. In third angle projection, what we see are what are we going to draw
Advertising, publicity, or if you disagree with it, propaganda.